bitfish 2018 Achievements: Cosmos, EOS, Education, and Meetups

Part 1 of 2

Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2019


Since launching on August 2018, the bitfish team has been busy working to pave the way to mainstream adoption of blockchain. We are proud of what we have achieved in the past few months and wanted to share these achievements with the blockchain community. Highlights include: participating in the Cosmos network, becoming a Loom Network validator, becoming an EOS block producer candidate, expanding our global team, hosting numerous community events, and opening offices in Bangkok (August 2018) and Seoul (October 2018). — Validator on the Game of Stakes (GoS)

bitfish is dedicated to supporting blockchains that use collateral to incentivize good behavior, hence our extensive involvement with the Cosmos network. Cosmos seeks to connect blockchain networks to one another, and it has incentivized attacks upon its testnet to detect flaws ahead of the mainnet launch.

  • bitfish has been an active participant of the Cosmos network since gaia-6000, and we broke some of the longest running testnets.
Getting called out on some of our work.
One of the graphics available on cosmos-validator-design: Architecture #5 — Relay Node Reference Design.
Inviting different PoS-based blockchains to PoS Castle was a lot of fun!
  • We created a call for the community to join and make the adversarial GoS more fun and interesting.
The Alliance has risen … to spice things up for GoS.

GoS is an adversarial testnet that the Interchain Foundation launched in order to stress test the incentive layer of the Cosmos network ahead of its mainnet launch. We wanted to use GoS as an opportunity to play a unique real-world actor and experiment our ability to operate multiple validator nodes. As a result, we entered with 25% of the total submissions (28% of approved submissions). By the time GoS 3 arrived, our total network ownership reached 55%+.

While significantly growing our stake amount, we also maintained high uptime, as measured by the number of pre-commits. None of our nodes were ever jailed during this time. In fact, we operated almost the entire top 80 validators measured in both stake and time by the end of GoS 3.

There was a hard-fork in GoS, which you can read about here. You can read our response to the hard-fork here. It was a fun game and we signed off GoS with a final message to the amazing Cosmos community!

Using the GoS accounts we operated, this final message was relayed.

We now look forward to the launch of the Cosmos Hub mainnet. Are you excited as we are? — EOS block producer (BP) candidate

On December 11, 2018, we launched our website and announced our block producer candidacy for the EOS mainnet.

Always busy buidling for the EOS ecosystem.
  • We set up and upgraded our bare metal nodes for the EOS mainnet.
  • We announced, our proxy voter, focused on voting for action-oriented BPs on EOS mainnet.
  • We are building a vote tracker and proxy vote tracker for the EOS mainnet.
A sneak peek of our EOS vote tracker in dark mode. Can’t wait to share it with the EOS community!
Videos are intuitive and fun. More educational video contents are on their way.

We have a lot more planned in 2019 for EOS. We are always open to collaborating with teams working on expanding the ecosystem, so please reach out to us if that’s you!

Stay tuned for Part 2 where we’ll discuss about our work for the Loom Network and the blockchain community!




Paving the way to a more decentralized world with information, collateralization and co-ownership.