Cyber future on Parachains Virtual Event

“We all live approximately half our lives in cyberspace, thanks to our iPhones and smartphones, an outcome predicted by every cyberpunk story under the sun.” — John Brownle

Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2021


The internet is a creative space where anyone can unleash their creativity and explore infinite possibilities. We would love to pursue the purpose of “Polkadot is the Internet” compared to other blockchains as quoted by Shawn Tabrizi “Bitcoin is a calculator, Ethereum is a computer, Polkadot is the Internet”. Polkadot ecosystem traction is so impressive and we feel it’s time to give a special spotlight and create this opportunity to learn and share knowledge with those pioneers who are leading and building the Polkadot and substrate ecosystem.

Bitfwd 比特未来 is going to host two events in April, our aim is to educate the wider community about Polkadot Ecosystem. We will bring together knowledgeable people under the hood of one event, talk about the Polkadot Ecosystem, emerging projects, futuristic roadmaps and prophecies that we can later reflect on.

Cyber future on Parachains

The first of two sessions will be focused on general education and overview on the Polkadot ecosystem with the leaders of some of many projects that are building on Polkadot Parachains. The talks will be focused on Polkadot infrastructure, Open Source Community, General intro into Polkadot Eco, Polkadot Ecosystem from Developer perspective and engagement, Open Source Community Study, DeFi on Polkadot, Infrastructure as key component for Polkadot.

The event will occur on 15th April at 10am UTC

The Speakers for the first session:

⭐️ Joe Petrowski Technical Integrations Lead of Web3 Foundation ⭐️

⭐ ️Ruitao Su Co Founder of Acala ⭐️

⭐ ️Sam Zou Founder of On Finality & SubQuery ⭐️

⭐ ️Sang Tran Hong Founder of PolkaWarriors & Investor Partner at Illusionist Group ⭐️

⭐️ Daniel Bar Founder of Bitfwd ⭐️

🎟 Grab your free ticket 🎟

Cyber future on Parachains NFTs,Metadata and Art

The second of our two events will be focused on the hottest topic in crypto — Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs), metadata interpreted on-chain on Polkadot and Kusama parachain. The talks will be focused on Environment and user friendly NFTs, NFTs on Kusama: graffitiing logic onto logic-less blockchains for fun and profit!, Present and future avenues for NFTs and Crypto art enabled by substrate.

The event will occur on 22nd April at 2pm UTC

The Speakers for the second session:

⭐️ Bruno Skvorc Technical Educator at Web3 Foundation Creator of Kanaria and ⭐️

⭐️ JAM Freelancer of DatDot ⭐️

⭐️ Viki Valastin Co Founder of KodaDot ⭐️

⭐️ Yangwao Founder of KodaDot ⭐️

🎟 Grab your free ticket 🎟

Sponsors and supporting partners

BlockchainNZ, Easy Crypto and more to be announced.

Community Partners

PolkaWarriors, DotMarketCap and more to be announced.

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