
latexify: Writing LaTeX with Python

Generate LaTeX expression from Python code.

Benedict Neo
bitgrit Data Science Publication


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Write latex? Code Python? Use latexify!

latexify is a cool open-source Python library by Google that compiles a Python source code to a corresponding LaTeX expression. It also uses IPython to pretty-prints your compiled functions.

This library is significantly helpful to researchers who write code for papers or people who want to document their work, i.e., data scientists who want to turn Jupiter notebooks into a pdf report.

This article will discuss how to use the library and showcase its functionalities with some examples.

As always, here’s where you can find the code for this article:

Install dependencies

First, we install latexify; on PyPI, it’s listed as latexify-py

Load Libraries

Here we also import math to utilize some mathematical functions.

The latexify version we’re using for this article is 0.2.0 .


To use latexify, all you have to do is include the latexify.function decorator above your function and

Displaying the MathJax

To display the MathJax, you must include the function's name and run the cell.

Here we define the Sigmoid function, a popular activation function in Machine Learning.

Print to get the LaTeX expression

Printing the function gives you the underlying expression.

Invoking the function

The function still works as expected when you invoke it.

Expression only

By using the latexify.expression decorator instead, it will only show the expression.

Get LaTeX expression directly

If you don’t want to use the decorator, you can use the get_latex function to get the expression directly

If else

If else statements in python are converted to mathematical notation.

Here we implement the ReLU activation function.

Use Math Symbols

You can also tell latexify to use math symbols by passing in the use_math_symbol argument to the decorator.

Here, setting use_signature=False is similar to using the latexify.expression decorator, which hides the function signature and only shows the expression.

Below we define a simple linear regression equation.

Notice that beta is converted automatically to the greek symbol.

Set identifiers

If you want to replace the function, argument, and variable names, you need to create a dictionary where the keys are the original name, and the values are the names you want to replace them with.

We also set the use_set_symbols argument to True so that set symbols are converted.

Here we implement the Jaccard similarity.

Below the left is before setting identifiers, and the right is after.

Compose all variables

If your function defines variables before the return statement, you can use the reduce_assignments argument to compose them together and return a single expression.

Below we define the logit function.

That’s it for this article!

I hope this library makes researching and documenting your work much easier!

If you face any issues with the package, feel free to submit an issue!

Here are some links on latexify.

Thanks for reading!

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