5 Most Famous Crypto Personalities

Bithemoth Exchange
Bithemoth Exchange
Published in
4 min readAug 25, 2018


Cryptocurrency has become such a phenomenon that the famous personalities of the crypto sphere are almost at par with the popularity of Hollywood stars. These cryptocurrency personalities, can influence thousands of decisions based on cryptocurrency, take the world in a technologically advanced economy, and help countless transactions become faster, safer and cheaper. There’s a lot these cryptocurrency lovers are up to – they live, breathe and sleep crypto!

There are several famous crypto personalities, and so we have divided the five into lists of people who have different strengths and are known for their different types of work. Here are 5 of the most famous crypto personalities in no particular order:

John McAfee (Crypto Influencer)

The genius who created the first anti-virus- McAfee Antivirus has shifted into a total crypto mode. His tweets are not only influential but entertaining as well. He’s known to be different and has already started a movement called ‘Declaration of the Freedom of Currency Independence’ to destroy fiat money around the world.

His tweets have been able to predict the movements of cryptocurrency in the future correctly. His latest prediction is Bitcoin reaching $500,000 by the end of the year 2020. He has also started creating waves with his ‘unhackable’ Bitfi Crypto Wallet.

Vitalik Buterin (Writer and Coder)

Buterin started off as a writer for Bitcoin, which led him to write and co-found the famous Bitcoin Magazine. As he was writing about Bitcoin-related topics, his unbelievable brain started unraveling Ethereum, thanks to his idea about a scripting language for application development being rejected by Bitcoin.

No, he’s not a robot, he’s an unbelievably smart individual who has achieved plenty at the age of 24 years old. His tweets are technical and rises debates with cryptocurrency developers around the world. It is no wonder his decisions make an impact, given Ethereum’s place in the cryptocurrency market placed ranked in at 2nd.

Roger Ver (Investor)

Cryptocurrency is not only about technological savvy entrepreneurs who know how to code; it requires hardcore business strategies too. Known in the world over as ‘Bitcoin Jesus’ he was one of the first investors in Bitcoin startups, and helped finance several projects such as Blockchain.info and BitPay. He helped Bitcoin build up partnerships and gain a steady hold.

Today, he is the CEO of Bitcoin’s rival Bitcoin Cash, which makes him one of the most hated people in crypto. No doubt, his strengths could help stir Bitcoin Cash into becoming a cryptocurrency of the future. A quick learner, who knows his strategies well!

Changpeng Zhao (The Bright Newcomer and Crypto Exchange Founder)

Changpeng Zhao is known in the crypto world as ‘CZ.’ CZ’s net worth is close to $2 billion thanks to creating the world’s largest crypto exchange called Binance. The shocking part is Binance was only created last year, 2017 and has already attracted 6 million users, thanks to its exceptional handling of volumes and high security.

The plus point of the exchange was their native Binance token called BNB which rose from $0.10 to $13. His experience of studying computer science and building a system for matching trader orders on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Bloomberg’s Tradebook for futures trading has led him to the path of cryptocurrency.

Satoshi Nakamoto (The one who started it all and the Godfather of Cryptocurrency)

The pseudonym that hides the person who created the whole cryptocurrency revolution. Satoshi Nakamoto’s real name still remains unknown. He is the pioneer of the world’s first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin and authored the whitepaper which brought in knowledge about digital payments.

It’s better he stays hidden, as in today’s value with the heights that Bitcoin has achieved, he could very well be the wealthiest person in the world. Any guesses who Satoshi could be?

Every day there are new cryptocurrency users and people who use their strengths to become the best in the cryptocurrency industry in their particular fields. With cryptocurrency being a new field altogether, if you know how to leverage your strengths whether they are technical, business-oriented or even in the arts form, you can succeed in the modern age cryptocurrency sector!

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