5 questions with Siddiq Moola CIO of Bithemoth

Bithemoth Exchange
Bithemoth Exchange
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2018


We really love our community and we want it to expand as much as possible, it would’t be fair if you see all the news, announcements and everything without knowing who’s behind it, so TODAY is the day that YOU are starting YOUR first true date with Bithemoth’s team members. Let’s get it rolling!

Q: Do you have any hobbies? What are they?

A: I have multiple hobbies but if I had to choose my two top it would have to be first football/soccer as I am a huge London Arsenal fan, and secondly photography because it is a form of artistic expression for me.

Q: What three things would you take to desert island? And why?

A: If I could only take three objects with me to a deserted island I would first choose to bring a flint spark because fire is a necessity. Secondly, I would bring an axe because it will help with creating a shelter etc. And lastly, I would probably cave in and take a guilty pleasure of mine such as chocolate because I am not sure how long I am going to be on this island, so I might as well enjoy it.

Q: What are you missing most from your childhood?

A: That’s a hard question, but I honestly believe that the thing I miss most is time. For some reason time felt like it passed much slower as a child, and that is defiantly something I wish I had more of now that I am older.

Q: If you could have a dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be? And why?

A: There are so many people I would love to have a talk with, from Mr. Mandala to Warren Buffet, but the one person I would have to choose is Satoshi Nakamoto. I would love to get his opinion on the current crypto market and its adoption in the real world, as well as asking if he ever imagined how rapidly cryptocurrency has grown

Q: What technology in your opinion is going to be HUGE in 2020? (VR,AI,Blockchain, etc)

A: In my opinion the tech that is going to be huge in 2020 is AI because it is only currently being implemented into more mainstream products and collecting data to improve. This is why I believe that by 2020 AI will have the capabilities to play an even larger role in society.

We hope you enjoyed your first virtual interaction with our team! Stay tuned there going to be more Q&A with Bithemoth! If there is any question you would like to be answered let us know in the comment section! It’s time to make trading GREAT again!

