Bithemoth LIMITED Token Package Sale

Bithemoth Exchange
Bithemoth Exchange
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2018

It’s finally here — the Bithemoth token sale! We are pleased to announce that we are running our first token sale in the form of packages. Each different package has a number of benefits increasing as you move up in tiers.

This is the cheapest, most discounted sale we will be holding. That means this is the best time to buy! You’ll be receiving at least 60% bonus tokens no matter which package you decide to purchase. Note: this is a limited time only offer; so once all packages have been sold, you will have to wait until our formal presale to buy in where you’ll be able to buy BHM discounted between 18–56%.

Please e-mail if you’re interested in purchasing tokens and joining us on this journey! We have great news coming up in the next the little while, so you’ll want to keep an eye out for that.

Thank you all for your continued support and joining us on this incredible journey!

