Bithereum’s Hard Spoon Snapshot is Complete!

Bithereum Network
Bithereum Network
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2018

Bithereum will be forking from BTC block 555,555, or around December 28th

We are excited to announce that Bithereum’s hard spoon snapshot of the Ethereum blockchain was successfully completed on December 12th, at exactly 19:00 UTC or Ethereum block number 6,874,581. This means that the existing account balances of the ETH holders were recorded at that exact moment, in order to then reward them in Bithereum upon launch at the ETH to BTC ratio.

The ETH to BTC ratio at the time was 38 ETH to 1 BTC (ETH at $91.60 and BTC at $3,506.62), so ETH holders will be able to redeem BTH at the same ratio of 38 ETH to 1 BTH. The total amount of BTH that will be set aside for ETH holder redemption is 2,730,450 BTH. BTC holders will be able to redeem BTH at a ratio of 1 BTC to 1 BTH upon launch as well, as it is a fork of Bitcoin. By taking this hard spoon snapshot, the total max supply of BTH has also been finalized and will be 30,886,000 BTH.

We have also officially set the launch date of Bithereum; Bithereum will be forking from Bitcoin at Bitcoin block number 555,555, or around December 28th! We have also included some pointers below for how to best prepare for the fork.

Preparing for Bithereum’s Fork

If you are operating a mining pool or just running a full node, you can already begin syncing as our final mainnet build is officially on GitHub ( We will be adding builds for various other operating systems as they become available to this release. If you don’t know how to, no worries, we will also be releasing further tutorials/blogs as we reach the fork date including how to run a full node and more.

For all BTC holders, it is recommended that you aren’t holding your funds on an exchange at the time of the fork. On an exchange, you aren’t in possession of your private key and won’t be able to redeem BTH on your own, it’ll be up to the exchange to reward you. This means, it is HIGHLY recommended you move your funds to a wallet in which you have control of the private key so that you can guarantee redemption. We will release a tutorial for how to redeem BTH as a BTC holder by the time the fork takes place.

For all ETH holders, if you haven’t already sent your 0 ETH transaction to be awarded with BTH after the launch, check out our previous blog for more details/tutorials: ( You can redeem anytime after the launch as well, but only from the address in which your ETH was stored in at the time of our hard spoon snapshot.

Stay tuned for more updates as we reach closer to the fork!

Bithereum Network

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Bithereum Network
Bithereum Network

Bithereum is a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain in combination with Ethereum's technological roadmap structured around Proof of Stake.