BitherPlatform IEO on LATOKEN

Published in
7 min readJul 1, 2019

Dear Users,
We are excited to announce that we are going to have the IEO on LAToken which is one of the top-ranked exchanges with several successful IEOs.

What is Bitherplatform?
BitherPlatform is a three-layer network that is capable of running smart contracts and different projects on all three layers. In this network, miners are allowed to mine on any layer and any project that they prefer without any obligation on staying on one network. In addition, BitherPlatform has a solution for the energy consumption on PoW mechanism in which miners’ excess computing power is going to be used on valuable computations such as scientific researches and universities in need of computing power. Masternodes control this process and help to keep the network secure while running smoothly.

This platform makes proper infrastructure for independent blockchains. As the blockchain made on this platform is fully independent but it gets its security from the powerful Bither network which facilitates to define blockchain based projects. The features that are delivered by this platform are very valuable to make this platform very applicable for industries and sciences.

What is LATOKEN ?
LAToken is a growing exchange which focuses on new projects and is on top-20 in coinmarketcap. In Jun, the volume on LAToken surpassed 1,500,000,000 dollars which put them on the 4th place on the market. The qualified users on LAToken can also participate in token sales and presales as well.

The IEO can eliminate the process of fraud in fundraising which is very important to make a collaboration lucrative for all the parties involved. In LAToken, investors can participate in projects with fewer concerns, that is one of the reasons we chose running an IEO to provide the best circumstances for our investors.

LATOKEN is a Top-20 crypto exchange:
● No1 IEO Fundraising Launchpad by InWara
● 130+ IEOs and 300+ exchange listing brought:

> 1,7 million visitors per month
> 400 thousand registered users

● Top 15 exchange in cryptotrading by CMC and Coingecko
● Representatives in 20+ countries

Besides IEO, LATOKEN users can enjoy 1 bn daily turnover
between 450 trading pairs.

Without any doubt, IEOs play a crucial part in the future of cryptocurrencies and investors revenues.
Now let’s take a look at BitherPlatform features and some of the short term and long term applications in industries.

Independent tokens and blockchain:
As you know one of the applications for dependent tokens in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is gaming and entertainment on mobiles, websites and so on. In Q1 of 2019, the blockchain applications market cap was $3,234,433,726 which $2,778,761,634 of this amount belonged to gaming and entertainment.

A major problem in these systems is that the tokens and related blockchain are dependent. This means if a heavy load malfunction application could cause the load to affect the main network and could fail the total network and other applications. Another limitation for dependent tokens is for the transactions fees for these tokens users have to pay by main network coin which will limit developing such applications.

The first solution is to make independent blockchain with independent tokens and network coin which is not affordable for small applications and securing this network is very difficult. BitherPlatform brings an innovative solution to these problems. Let’s take a look:

By defining independent blockchains in layer two of BitherPlatform network, the scalability problem on the main network and other application can be solved. The load exists only on the affected network. Though, independent tokens and coins that are implemented on layer two and three of BitherPlatform they don’t need main network coin to transfer and the fee can be paid just with that network coin. This means the applications developers can make their applications and games very easily on the blockchain.

Therefore, we can say all this market cap can be built on this platform in the future and with $12,937,734,904 of this industry’s turnover, the BitherPlatform will try to absorb 20 to 30 percent of this turnover during the first year.

It is very important to be noted that BitherPlatform not only delivers several features to blockchain activists and absorb them but also can help this industry to grow up with simplifying of implementations lead to increase turnover on BitherPlatform.

Rental Processor:
An important feature in BitherPlatform is the feature for renting hash power to/from inside or outside the network. This is very important for miners who mine new coins and process the transactions of all network. We will cover further the BitherPlatform role in the industry. Human life is bind to process and compute. The need for more complicated and faster computing always is the top priority for technologies throughout the world. More processing power leads to less waste of time and will revolutionize all aspects of our life. Therefore, demands for computing power exists everywhere, we want to explain some of them and the solution of Bitherplatform for these demands.

The industries and sciences applications for Bitherplatform:

Cinema and animation industry:
There are many use cases in cinema and animation industry that need hash power directly. About 90 percent of the activities are related to this subject. For example, it consists of the following categories to make an animation:

1. Concept and Storyboards
2. 3D modeling
3. Texturing
4. Rigging
5. Animation
6. Lighting
7. Camera setting
8. Rendering
9. Composing and special VFX
10. Music and Foley
11. Editing and final output

As mentioned above more than 90 percent of these subjects need processing power and preparing such processing power is always a big challenge in cost and time. Reducing the time will increase the cost of computing power. On the other hand, increased time causes losses and more costs. Preparing and availability of these requirements without cost and time is a big challenge.

Aerospace Industries that need complicated computing:
In this industry, every subject including aerology, making a machine to move inside or outside atmosphere and astronomy all of them are related to complicated mathematics and geometry and processed by supercomputers. In summary, the availability of this huge computing power and its costs has many challenges.

Biomedical Engineering:
Biomedical engineering is one of the sciences with complicated computing for laboratory, making instruments and accurate results in researches. Again cost and time are two big challenges here for activists in this field.

Cryptocurrencies and BitherPlatform:
According to statistics, the Bitcoin network hashing power is 6 to 8 times more than the top 500 world’s supercomputers. Imagine what can you do with this huge computing power. An animation which takes normally one year for rendering, by this computing power it will take only 14 days or less with a very lower cost. The interesting thing is that all the Bitcoin network computing power is just to solve a complicated formula to prove that we are working on Bitcoin network and this is some kind of energy wastage for an unnecessary work which all Proof-of-Work networks do the same.

BitherPlatform by designing a new architecture not only can absorb this amount of hashing power but also can assign 86 percent of it in scientific and research projects and secure the network as the same with the remained 14 percent of hash power.

The miners of BitherPlatform network can rent their 86 percent of hash power to scientific and research projects. This means in addition to network rewards for miners, they can rent their extra hashing power and earn. On the other hand, any project that needs computing power at any time could rent it with a proper cost and get rid of the availability challenge. In summary, the BitherPlatform network can fulfill all computing power needed by industries and sciences.

As we mentioned above the capabilities and features of BitherPlatform and industries, we can believe that the BitherPlatform with all capabilities can facilitate the infrastructure and improvement of industries which leads to more practical usage of BitherPlatform tokens hand helps this platform to be more popular every day, so the token owners get more profit by increasing the value of tokens.

It’s hard to predict the future, but with the study of the BitherPlatform white-paper and evaluating the network we can say this is a profitable project and maybe more powerful in comparing with its competitors in the future.




New Eco-Friendly and Layered Decentralized Economy: Three-layer solution, Multi-mining capability, Optimizing energy consumption.