[Bithumb Report] BTC OPEN ROUND1

The Bithumb Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 14, 2021

Greetings. This is Bithumb.

Thanks to the supports you’ve given us, Bithumb’s brand new service, the BTC Open has started its ROUND 1 on February 18. During the period, we were able to check the final result of the ROUND 1 based on the actual data gathered from the various evaluation categories and confirmed the BTC Open’s function as a sub-index for the investment. From now on, let’s take a look at what is BTC Open and which digital asset got the highest score during the ROUND 1 phase.

What is BTC Open?

BTC Open is an index system that is evaluating digital assets enlisted on our Bithumb BTC market only according to the collected data during a certain amount of period and add the digital asset that recorded the highest score to the KRW market in order to support the asset’s transaction and trade to run smoothly. Since to achieve a remarkable score in the BTC Open’s scoring system, the digital asset should get a high score in most of the evaluation categories. Therefore, it is a service that the investors should keep their eyes on who can utilize the sub-index in order to understand ‘Which digital asset should they invest in?’ or ‘What kind of digital asset the public is interested in.’

The evaluation standards for digital assets in BTC Open are 5 in total, composed to evaluate various features without being one-sided: the amount of currency, activeness of transaction, merit on investment, user participation, and soundness of the digital asset.

The 5 standards mentioned above are collected and evaluated through real-time data and the score and ranking can be kept in check on Bithumb’s BTC Open webpage. That is to say, you can take them into consideration and estimate what digital asset is good for trade, how the digital assets in possession are estimated, and what digital asset you should trade in the future.

If the asset recorded the highest score in the former ROUND and yet nominated as an asset that should be aware of, the asset should be excluded from participating in the ROUND. However, if the reason to be aware of is settled and denominated, the asset will receive no penalties from participating. Plus, newly enlisted digital assets on the starting week of the ROUND can participate in the BTC Open from the next ROUND, therefore all the digital assets should be evaluated under the same environment and standard.

※Go to BTC Open Webpage ☞ https://en.bithumb.com/event/btc_open?v=pc

※How to Use in Mobile App ☞ Overall Menu > Bithumb Index > BTC Open

If you enter the BTC Open webpage, the first thing you can see will be what ROUND is the current BTC Open is and how much time lefts for the ROUND. On the lower side, you can see the Bithumb’s digital assets that are participating in the current ROUND, sorted listed in high-to-low order according to their score. The numbers you can see from the digital asset section are the trading value of the assets within 24 hours. Please take note that the fluctuation rate of the market value can be viewed according to the main settings.

<Bithumb’s BTC Open Webpage>


Bithumb’s BTC Open ROUND 1 that has been proceeded from last February 18 to March 2 received a lot of attention from the investors and showed a fierce change in rank.

<The Digital Asset That Has Shown the Highest Daily Increase Rate During Round 1 and Its Increase Rate>

When we take a look at the digital asset that has shown the highest daily increase rate in the market during the ROUND, we can see the digital assets that participated in the BTC Open are quite competitive. During the ROUND 1, the digital asset that has shown the highest price fluctuation rate was Cola token (COLA) and Blocery (BLY), which were 126% and 102% respectively.

The digital asset that has recorded the highest score in every category during the ROUND 1 was “BioPassport (BIOT).”

*BioPassport is a blockchain-based project that is supporting non-face-to-face health management and management of medical data. It manages the user’s privacy information and medical data through the app, providing information necessary for the airports or checkpoints, which means the project will be extremely valuable in the COVID-19 pandemic era.

<Daily Price Change of BioPassport during the ROUND 1, BTC Market>

BioPassport has drawn a continuous rising curve during the ROUND 1 period, proving the reason why the asset has recorded a remarkable score on the chart as well. According to its closing price, BioPassport has finished the ROUND by recording from 0.00000026 BTC to 0.00000061 BTC, showing an 88% of increase rate. After some further screening sessions, BioPassport has been enlisted into the KRW market on March 8.

<Price Change of BioPassport during 3/8~3/11 Period in Every 30 Minute, KRW Market>

BioPassport is still in its rising trend even after been added into the KRW Market. Within 3 days, starting from March 8 to March 10, it even shows a rapid growth rate of 193%, recording the lowest price of KRW 27 to the highest price of KRW 79. As we can see from the BTC Open ROUND 1, we can confirm that the service is indeed providing some noteworthy information as a sub-index for digital asset investment.

Through our real-time supervision, Bithumb will maintain our efforts in creating a healthy and transparent trading environment for every investor’s sake. We hope you keep sending your supports and interest to our service and hope you look forward to further ROUNDS in the future.


[Brand New Service] ‘BTC Open’ Service Start Notice https://cafe.bithumb.com/view/board-contents/1641581

[BTC Open] Round 1 Result Notice https://cafe.bithumb.com/view/board-contents/1641634

BTC Open Webpage https://www.bithumb.com/event/btc_open



The Bithumb Blog

Official Medium account of Bithumb, No.1 Digital Asset Platform based in Korea. https://en.bithumb.com/