An Employer’s Perspective: 6 Reasons Why Hiring on bitJob is Good for Business

Elad Kofman
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2017

The combination of technological development, economic instability, and political upheaval the world has endured over the past decade has made businesses and entrepreneurs find new and creative platforms to solve problems. In terms of employment, companies use everything from LinkedIn to Craigslist to Fiverr to make the hires they need to push their business forward. Unfortunately, all of these platforms come with major inefficiencies that don’t serve the dynamic needs of the global workforce, while bitJob — a decentralized, global marketplace for student employment — provides a whole new approach and a unique set of tools that enables employers and workers alike to connect and do business.

Here are just a few of the unique and powerful advantages to using bitJob to connect with students around the world for employment opportunities…

A global market and community

We live in a digital, global world, and businesses want to hire the best person for the job, regardless of where they may reside. Whether it’s for web design, translations, social media, or tech development, having access to the best the world has to offer at your fingertips means better quality and better results.

Frictionless payment solutions

bitJob runs on the STU Token, an ERC-20 currency that offers ensured liquidity via Bancor and a seamless Paypal integration. That means employers and employees can exchange value quickly and securely, and seamlessly transact the STU Token on exchanges or directly into fiat currency via Paypal.

The brightest student minds

There is no industry or social space in the world at the moment that attracts brighter or more innovative minds than the blockchain. Further, students have historically provided the heartbeat of progressive thinking. Student blockchain enthusiasts are intelligent, educated, and eager to participate in this new economy, and bitJob is the one place employers can engage with them.

Fair rates and high quality work

Using a digital currency as the fuel for the bitJob ecosystem levels the playing field for users from every part of the globe. Detached from fiat currency, workers set rates based on reviews and ratings of their work. Value will be defined in a global marketplace, meaning that anyone, anywhere has a chance to earn if they produce high-quality results.

Be a social enterprise

Every student dreams of a way to earn a steady income while developing their craft as they navigate their collegiate experience. With costs for college rising ever higher, business owners and entrepreneurs can provide essential opportunities in return for high-quality, affordable work. It’s a chance to do good for the world while benefitting yourself!

A chance to share in the profits

bitJob is built on a “win-win” philosophy. By doing business in STU and participating in the ecosystem, everyone involved is rewarded as the value of the token grows. As more students, employers, academic institutions, and student-centric business partners join the bitJob ecosystem, the STU Token will increase both in utility and value — a win-win for everyone!


We are working around the clock to support our global community!

bitJob Crowdsale Main Event is scheduled for September 12th, 5:00 PM UTC. Join our movement! Be the movement!

