bitJob Partners with BitcoinBrains ATM Canada

The Goal: Setting Bitcoin ATMs in Canadian Universities

Elad Kofman
5 min readOct 4, 2017


bitJob’s STU token in BitcoinBrains ATMs

The bitJob marketplace is getting bigger everyday, as Our ICO is LIVE (until Oct 13th) and so far secured more than 6,000 ETH!

in bitJob, We are connecting Businesses and Students together, creating the new cutting edge, Blockchain based Labor market.
They call us “The studential”.

But bitJob is not “just” another marketplace… both businesses and students, will be able to cash their reward in STU tokens, giving them a true hands-on experience with cryptocurrency. It will also create demand.
As we push towards educating the next generation towards crypto usage, We are glad to announce on another collaboration,
this time from Calgary, Canada:, Welcome aboard!
Founded in 2013, Bitcoin Brains is Alberta’s first bitcoin brokerage.
After a great meeting with the owner, Dave Bradley, we found great mutual interest as blockchain ethuntiastics.
The vision of spreading Bitcoin ATMs all over Canadian universities is getting real, starting in Q1 2018!

Our focus is on educating Canadians about the amazing power that bitcoin and blockchain technology put into their hands. We also want to make it as easy as possible for anyone in Canada to buy bitcoins.

bitJob aims to enable a new labor market for students worldwide.

Times are rough and the competition is rising. It is getting harder to find a well suited job, and even harder to find one that you enjoy in.

Today, Students globally HAVE to gain experience during their degree, instead of working in places that are not relevant to their profession, such as waiters, security guards, etc. Our platform is designed to create a place of work and accumulating experience (in addition to a much needed money) for students, who are a talented workforce, and at the same time the most difficult market to break the glass ceiling, protected by rich experience, connections and nepotism in the various industries.

But We all know students.
They love to spend their money… that is why we believe we should be more user-friendly, and give the option to cash out their rewards in FIAT too, using PayPal.
We can’t FORCE them to use crypto. We can help spread the word.
We will give great & creative incentives for getting their rewards in our STU token, as we will continue to collaborate further with crypto ATMs all over the world, to ease all sides worries while bringing blockchain to the masses.

This great collaboration with BitcoinBrains brings to life the bitJobs’ core vision — to partner with every academic institution in the world, offer new business models and to educate students about cryptocurrency and the blockchain revolution.

Supporters can participate in the Live token launch directly via the bitJob website and enjoy a 20% bonus.

Further information and the bitJob whitepaper is available at

A Short Q&A session:

A kind reminder for those who forgot what bitJob is:

The world’s first global marketplace for student employment built on the blockchain. The core element of the bitJob mission is to connect university students with the next generation labor opportunities, for gainful employment and engagement with digital currency.

Q: What problems does STU token solve?

A: bitJob marketplace connects students with SMB/SME for online short-term jobs and rewarding them with cryptocurrency (STU — the student token), Solving a variety of painful problems:

Students: (1) Short on cash during their academic period and (2) are lacking occupational experience once they graduate.
Employers (SMB/SME): (3) Find it difficult to hire quality temporary workers that fit their budget and (4) most of them fail in recruiting students.
Blockchain tech: a Wonderful tech with some well-known problems — (5) The reputation of Bitcoin and the mainstream lack of trust in it, (6) it is too difficult to use it, (7) there is a lack of understanding and knowledge, (8) problematic regulatory environment and frankly, (9) there is no sense of urgency or need throughout the wide public concerns (we all use banks and other centralized platforms today).

Q: What is the STU token value?

A: The STU token will be used inside the marketplace only for executing transactions between all parties involved. Students will be able to be rewarded with immediate payments in STUs (with proper incentives) or PayPal. For example, an exchange student will be able to use STU token wherever he chooses to study, and to spend it in his local around-the-campus small businesses, without using its local currency.

Q: Why would the value increase over time?

A: Apart from trading and executing transactions on the platform, our currency has many benefits. It will be used in a variety of stores in the various educational institutions, and for student services such as photocopying, barber shops, etc. Moreover, Professors, doctors and teachers will be rewarded in STU for auditing and rating (“Judging”) of the students work, ensuring its quality. In the near future, top “5 star bitJob students” will be able to become Judges themselves, getting rewarded with STU.

We are creating new collaborations with top academic institutions everyday, driving crypto to the mainstream by emphasising the enormous demand.

Q: Why would the value increase faster than BTC or ETH?

A: Demand and user adoption increases value.
That is why bitJob will promote the education needed to implement decentralization and freedom of choice, through the next generation of the labor market — Mainstreaming Blockchain.
The bitJob Impact Value is developing new ways to earn money for the worldwide HR agencies and every student unions out there — by offering them to become bitJob affiliates. Nowadays, all sides are losing.
Combining bitJob business model with Blockchain tech, allows us to break physical barriers, unite students globally and to offer everyone a Win-win scenario. That is the bitJob firm culture.
Securing the student unions (will earn a fee from every student transaction they registered into the marketplace) will help us grow and register new users every day, while the HR agencies (fees from registered jobs) will ensure the flow of online short-term jobs into the marketplace.

Do note that students will never pay any fees using bitJob!

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bitJob Crowdsale Main Event is now Live!

