bitJob Presenting to the D66 Dutch Officials; Trezor Lottery Update

Elad Kofman
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2017

Last week, the bitJob team presented in front of the D66 Dutch delegation in Tel Aviv, strengthening diplomatic relations between the two nations and expanding business collaborations.

The D66 Dutch party has entered the Dutch coalition, after winning 12.2% of overall toll, becoming the #4 sized party in The Netherlands.

As a part of a tour in Tel Aviv, the D66 delegation visited Taglit’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center, at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange house.

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange house

Elad Kofman, bitJob’s co-founder and CMO, shared the startup’s wide-scale P2P and decentralized vision. The presentation sparked a stormy debate on the part of the party’s representatives, who were drawn into the near future, in which businesses and students facilitate revenue models in cryptocurrency based economies. The Dutch governors are thirsty for innovative technologies; and there is no doubt that Blockchain technology meets the criteria. The topic of immediate need for supervision and regulation of the ICO world also arose for discussion (of course). It seems that initially, there is a need for more committees and additional information on their behalf.

In conclusion, the conference was an enjoyable and enriching experience for all parties involved. Strong relationships were fostered, which will intensify in the upcoming weeks. Concerning these relationships, we will be visiting the Netherlands for the construction of the Dutch pilot very soon, please stay tuned for updates!

Reshaping Students’ Freedom

We have found similar interests in the party’s policies:

  • D66 is in favour of a mixed economy combining market economics and government intervention. D66 is also a proponent of increased flexibility in the labour market and tax-cuts for the lower and middle classes.
  • D66 proposes to increase government spending on education and innovation, for instance increases in teachers’ salaries. Also, D66 wants the education sector to be deregulated and introduce more competition in the sector.
D66 & bitJob at Taglit’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center

** Trezor wallet update **

We are pleased to announce that we have completed the order of the bitJob branded Trezor wallets and now we are waiting for the international shipping from Trezors’ side. Watch out for these pearls, we are anxious to see the result!

The team will visit Amsterdam in two weeks for an ICO summit, looking for business relationships and new collaborations.
Want to meet us? Please drop us an email: !

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