bitJob STU + Radar Relay

Increasing liquidity is the team’s latest achievement

Elad Kofman
2 min readNov 30, 2017


Radar Relay

“Expanding demand and liquidity for the STU community is our main goal, with Radar Relay as no exception. We see high importance in reaching out to new crypto communities, while working effortlessly on securing new collaborations all around the world.”

-Dror Medalion, bitJob CEO


Radar Relay maintains a Øx order book and provides a simple interface to facilitate signing, finding, and filling Øx orders via browser interface.

STU fresh book

bitJob is Offering Zero-Risk Models

bitJob brings the gospel to businesses and employers, lowering HR employment recruitment to the minimum.
How? With an Online Global Student Work-Force.

Nowadays, from the perspective of the employer, when employer-employee relations develop, many obligations are imposed on the employer’s side. Taxes, health, pensions and administration payments.
A roof over the worker’s head gives him job security.
Computers, software, electricity, basic needs.
In addition, the employee undergoes training for his intended position.
While the employer clearly invest his time and money in building the employees abilities, the employee may always resign due to a better offer from a competitor or for any other reason, that is not under the employer’s control.

bitJob’s Zero-Risk models includes quality assurance and guarantee, responsibility for providing and receiving payment, enabling hourly-intense work in a very limited and precised delivery time, etc.

Saving time and money, lowering risks and creating new, digital and stable value for the student global work-force, will drive the blockchain technology straight forward to the next generation’s mainstream.

We want to thank Radar Relay for a lovely business approach, backing the bitJob venture for expansion and creating demand in new markets globally!

To learn more about Radar Relay visit

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