bitJob’s Social Mining™ Revolution

Dror Medalion
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2018

bitJob’s newest Social feature, based on Ethereum Smart Contracts, streams income for the masses.

Bill Gates said during his 2007 commencement speech at Harvard:

“Cutting through complexity to find a solution runs through 4 predictable stages. Determine a goal, find the highest impact approach, deliver the technology ideal for that approach, and in the meantime use the best application of technology you already have…[but] you can’t get people excited unless you can help them see and feel the impact….We need as many people as possible to gain access to this technology because these advances are triggering a revolution in what human beings can do for one another.”

During his speech, Gates focused on several themes: using the time and money you have to help others, do this by finding a way to make an impact, and leveraging technology to deliver your approach. Gates talked about the internet and PCs as the forefronts of technology that can be used to help people, but little did he know, a year and a half later Satoshi Nakamoto would create the genesis block of Bitcoin and open up endless possibilities in the technological world.

The purpose of Gates’ speech was to give the members of the audience the desire to act and find creative and technological ways to help solve the problems of the world. Since the inception of blockchain technology a decade ago, many people have applied the technology to help solve problems in various sectors, ranging from health to energy to homelessness.

bitJob’s Mission is twofold:

  1. Leverage blockchain technology to help students gain relevant, useful work experience.
  2. Give users the opportunity to help each other by engaging with the bitJob platform.

The first element bitJob seeks to solve is through technology — our platform, powered by blockchain — making it easier for students and employers to connect. The second goal is through Social Mining™ — which bitJob has defined as the process of transforming the sum of your activities online into income via these actions.

Echoing Gates’ formula for creating change, Social Mining™ addresses the need for widespread exposure to valuable technologies, for a tangible way for people to be impactful, and for an opportunity to reward people via social actions. This highlights the core element of Social Mining™ — providing people with an almost passive income people, thus freeing up time normally spent working to earn said money, consequently giving them the freedom to pursue their passions and self-fulfillment, and then, hopefully, achieving the ultimate goal of happiness. Yes, this sounds a bit lofty, but we hope that with our community’s help we can reach this mission together.

The Fortunate Result of Social Mining™ on the bitJob Platform

A natural outcome of Social Mining™ is more user engagement and thus propels bitJob’s original message: helping students gain relevant work experience. Just as larger social networks have a high standard for the content that they advertise, the more bitJob grows its student base, the further it raises its value to employers. Thus, students can earn digital currencies for engaging with a platform whose core desire is to equip them with tools for career success. Thus, bitJob organically grows employers and users available on the platform who also embrace the bitJob social message.

At bitJob, we try to create a win-win situation for all and we believe that Social Mining™ truly enables a win-win Social Solution for students, freelancers, and employers.

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