How bitJob’s Commitment to Security Will Ensure a Successful Launch

Lay out the common potential security risks.

Elad Kofman
4 min readSep 11, 2017


Be Wise!

In the fast-developing world of blockchain technology — and in particular in regards to ICOs and token generation events — security is of utmost importance, and start-ups and contributors alike must remain vigilant to maintain high standards to avoid the various type of tricks, scams, schemes, and hacks that are unfortunately common in the blockchain space.

In advance of the bitJob Token Sale commencing on September 12th, we’re taking a moment to lay out all the potential security risks, how we’ve safeguarded against them, and some best practices to which bitJob community members should adhere. Of course, there are a number of aspects that we can’t divulge, but rest assured that security and fairness are of the highest priority to the bitJob team.

DDOS Attacks

A DDOS attack is when a huge number of requests are sent at the same time to the server, overloading the infrastructure and clogging up the system so it can’t function. The attack can be carried out through a number of ways, even via Facebook accounts. DDOS attempts are common, and luckily, there are a number of ways to be prepared in case one does arise.

The bitJob response

In addition to maintaining industry-leading prevention standards on our own behalf, we have partnered with a company that was involved in all the DDOS attacks. There are all kinds of protection options such as redirecting the site, replicating the site (not to overload the same server), there are several other ways.

Site Replication / Fake Wallet

Many people have fallen for the remarkably simple scheme of creating a fake website to mimic an ICO, with a wallet address that directs to the scammer. Armed with just a similar domain name to the target page and a wallet address, phishers can very easily sit back and watch as unwitting contributors send their currency to the wrong wallet.

The bitJob response

Firstly, we’ve registered all similar domains ourselves so scammers won’t be able to. Secondly, we follow Github and constantly search on Google for sites that may be phishing. We keep track of Github for impersonators and prohibit links or posting of any addresses in public chat rooms. We will specify that the only correct website and wallet address will be communicated on official social channels like Twitter. We’ve also hired 24/7 support and monitoring of our channels, and are constantly in contact with the community.

Stay Responsible!

Slack scams

As befits any large ICO, we have launched a number of social networks, and thousands of people from all over the world have joined in the discussion. Of them all, Slack in particular is known for its hackability. Bots and scammers have been known to send bogus links and trick people out of their currency. It is important to note that we and our community management team are constantly alert to this threat, and everyone in the bitJob community must join in — If you see something, say something!

The bitJob response:

One option is to close the channel and advise our community to switch to another platform, Telegram, for example. The second option is to make the group read-only and have the groups managed by a sole individual rather than a team.

Smart contract attacks

Like other contracts or codes, even smart contracts can be tampered with — although it is much harder to achieve than many of the aforementioned breach techniques. It is possible, for example, to transfer coins to a different wallet by changing the code itself, thereby preventing funds from reaching their intended destination. In order to cope with this problem, high vigilance is required throughout the Token Sale period, and constant monitoring of the transactions.

The bitJob response:

For the purpose of writing and executing the contract, we partnered with the leading team in the industry — TokenMarket. Beyond that, we have tested the smart contract vigorously and maximized the protection of our servers. We will close all ports, creating a list of IP addresses that will have access. The successful enaction of our pre-sale is an indicator of the validity of our smart contract platform, and we are continuing to review our setup at every juncture, tightening security with every round.

In conclusion

The bitJob team acknowledges great responsibility for the correctness of the Token Sale and ICO Launch. We take every step we can to keep the process as safe and secure as possible. We are confident that the bitJob contribution period will pass safely, and that everyone will receive their tokens in a timely and safe manner. We look forward to working with our community and partners to achieve this together.

Join the Movement!


We are working around the clock to support our global community!

bitJob Crowdsale Main Event is scheduled for September 12th, 5:00 PM UTC.

