Introducing bitJob — A decentralized Students Marketplace for online short-term Jobs (FAQ#1)

Common Questions from the bitJob Community

bitJob- The Student Marketplace
5 min readMay 3, 2017

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Hi Everyone!

My name is Elad Kofman. I’m a driven advocate of blockchain technology and the proud co-founder & CMO at bitJob — The Students’ Marketplace. Over the next few weeks, my partners and I will be answering questions and discussing our wonderful project.

What is bitJob vision?

bitJob will deploy blockchain technology in the global student community. Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt & overcome all boundaries, but we all understand that smart education of consumers is necessary, in order for this to happen. Promoting the education needed to implement decentralization and freedom of choice begins today, through the next generation of the labor market.

How did you come up with this idea?

The root idea of bitJob actually emerged many years ago.. in our time as students, while we were enjoying the lawns of the faculty meetings — and needed some quick money. After we graduated and dove into the labor market, we were faced with a most painful problem, one that does not receive appropriate response: students finish their degrees and begin their careers with zero experience, after spending their time in jobs that do not contribute to their professional résumés. As executives, we now have encountered with another obvious need: employers find it difficult to hire quality temporary workers that fit the budget — and most of them (80%) fail in recruiting students.

What does bitJob solve?

Our solution is to connect students with employers for short term jobs- online, so they can then to continue to specialize in their relevant profession and also make a decent living throughout their academic period! For us, as entrepreneurs who want to influence the world, helping students and promoting blockchain technology — this is the realization of our dream.

Who is behind bitJob?

A Striking combination of loyal and experienced founders, marketing directors, committed programmers, and crypto stars have gathered to create this exciting social project.

· Dror Medalion- Industrial and management engineer; world expert in product design and team leadership.

· Bogdan Fiedur- Full stack developer & Ethereum smart contracts specialist with 25 years as an entrepreneur.

· Aviad Gindi- Experienced Investment manager of institutional mutual funds & Crypto funds.

· Elad Kofman- A Marketing and public relations expert with 6 years of breathing crypto.

We also have wonderful advisers and supporters, who we will be introducing over the next few weeks. Come back to meet the most committed team there is. It is worth the wait!

How did you got into Blockchain entrepreneurship?

Dror, Aviad, and I fell in love with blockchain in 2011, upon first acquaintance with an investment in Bitcoin. When Ethereum came into the world, we realized that this was what we were waiting for, our social ideas for students were waiting to emerge and were just destined for decentralization.

Over the years, we got acquainted with Bogdan, our 4th co-founder and CTO, which assisted us with a previous project we developed on Ethereum (a Project which aimed to revolutionize the way students vote and make a difference by applying a liquid democracy system to the unions councils), feel free to Check it here:

How does bitJob work?

It is very simple: a student looking to provide services online connects to the marketplace, chooses from the list of professional jobs for relevant work, provides quality delivery, and receives immediate payment of his choice, in cryptocurrency or fiat money. The student will build a reputation profile and will be able to present his work in a Dynamic Portfolio Resume (DPR) connected to his/her own ‘name’ site domain! The DPR website will revolutionize the way HR recruit students and graduates by relying on evidence of their demonstrated abilities, rather on their LinkedIn profile or the ancient (and current) version of résumé, from previous decades.

How do you get students? And what about employers?

We built a fantastic affiliate program that will strengthen the relationship between bitJob and the students: students’ unions will receive a commission from each transaction their students engage in. We have launched pilot agreements with the leading student associations in Israel, in addition to a number of employers who were more than happy to participate. We are also negotiating with several leading job search engines to ensure a continuous flow of quality jobs.

How do you plan to market your product?

Student unions around the world constantly engage in programs for professional internships with leading employers. In order to get as many students as possible to our marketplace, we created the ultimate incentive with our affiliate program. It’s a win-win setup that will play a critical part in bitJob’s success. Our focus on small online student jobs will attract the players in the field of employee recruitment who are in pursuit of the next generation.

What use would bitJob tokens have?

We will use bitJob tokens in order to recruit the national student associations in each country and for our business model and affiliate plan, We will also distribute our rewards using bitJob tokens. In addition, the costly efforts of recruiting jobs search engines (as students’ jobs suppliers) and leading employers, requires the fuel.

Why do you need a Blockchain Crowdfunding?

Ventures need funding in order to get the chance to make an impact, maybe even to change the world. Using the Ethereum blockchain, the unique ICO structure opens up new opportunities for startups like bitJob, to create an exciting new revenue streams woven in the hybrid marketplace, for the students’ unions and blockchain community benefit.

We dearly value our contributors and understand that funding bitJob, means believing in bitJob concept and bitJob product delivery by its team.

Get your tokens!

You can purchase tokens by participating in our contribution ICO that will start on September 2017. You can earn additional tokens by joining the development and product expansion efforts.

More information about our upcoming ICO, Crowdsale and bitJob tokens will be published on our #2 FAQ article coming soon.

Do you share our cause? Believe you can fit in and help? Contact us: |



bitJob- The Student Marketplace
Editor for

A decentralized P2P Marketplace for online short-term Jobs for students, freelancers and employers.