The bitJob Token Sale Checklist

Please Follow these Instructions Carefully.

Elad Kofman
5 min readSep 7, 2017


bitJob — Creating a Crypto Student Ecosystem!

First off — am I on the right page?

This is exactly what the contribution page should look like. If it doesn’t look like this and the address isn’t “” then you’re probably in the wrong place.

***Simply use this as a cross-reference against our contribution page, as we cannot ensure the safety of this third-party Medium blog***

Do I have the right time for the token sale?

Our general token sale starts on September 12th, 2017 at 5pm UTC.
Make sure to convert your timezone so you have the correct time for the token sale.

For an easy tool to use to convert time, check out the following website:

Do I know how to participate?

To fully participate, you need to have done the following:

1. Bought Ether in an exchange

2. Transferred your Ether to an ERC20 compatible wallet (see below)

3. Sent a deposit to a token sale address with our provided data and gas limit values

The only way to successfully participate is by following these steps. If for some reason your transaction isn’t going through when you try to send to our address, double check that your gas and data values are correct.

In your transaction, make sure the “To Address” is the address we have listed on our contribution page. The amount to send is the desired amount of ETH you wish to use in the token sale. The Gas Limit is the limit we’ve provided on the token sale page. Remember to Add Data as well — as we’ve provided that for you to include in the transaction.

Do I have an ERC20 compatible wallet?

As we’ve mentioned previously, the ERC20 standard has not only allowed for wallet standardization where developers are able to streamline a solution to hold the various tokens being created, but it also defines a set of functions within the Ethereum network. By adopting the ERC20 standard in our token sale event, we’re ensuring our processes within the Ethereum network are as smooth as possible, and allowing our community to effortlessly store these tokens. Some compatible wallets for this event include Mist, MetaMask, MyEtherWallet, and Parity.

Note: incompatible wallets include any exchanges such as Coinbase, Poloniex, Kraken, Bitstamp, Bitfinex, Gatehub, Bitrexx and more. Exodus and Jaxx aren’t compatible either. Those who transfer funds on these sites will not receive the currency after the contribution.

But how do I send funds using my ERC20 compatible wallet to participate?

Do have one of the mentioned wallets but you’re still not sure how to send funds to participate in the token sale? Check out the following guides for each wallet:

Beware of phishing scams

  • Impersonate to the bitJob team.
  • Pose as an official bitJob account.
  • Urge you to click on a MyEtherWallet link.
  • If there’s one takeaway that we can’t stress enough — it’s the fact that WE WILL NEVER POST OR SEND ANY PUBLIC ADDRESSES THROUGH ANY SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNEL.
    The Formal Sale information will be delivered through our website only. We will publish the formal Address on our designated token sale page — It will be shown here:

Feel free to check these great Youtube Crypto Warning by Ashton from CCS:

Wait a minute, what is the STU token again?

bitJob marketplace connects students with professional SMB/SME, for online short-term jobs and rewarding them with cryptocurrency (STU the student coin).

bitJob is aimed at revolutionizing the way students make a living and gain occupational experience, while studying!

For more information regarding our STU token, follow our blog post.

We want to make sure we take every step to ensure the protection of our users participating in our token sale. As a reminder, we will NEVER post or send any public addresses through social media. Please be aware of this, and be mindful of all the scammers looming around.

We’ve taken appropriate security measures to ensure a smooth and safe token sale. We will be monitoring the address at all times during the token sale and have implemented a kill-switch script which will active in the case of the crowd-sale address being compromised. We thank you again for participating in this unique and groundbreaking event.

We also invite you to connect with the bitJob team, so that we may answer any questions you might have regarding our token sale or our project before the token sale begins.


We are working around the clock to support our global community!

bitJob Crowdsale Main Event is scheduled for September 12th, 5:00 PM UTC. Join our movement! Be the movement!

