Welcome to our revamped Branding & Website!

Yarden Hiltch
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2018

We are thrilled to announce that we’ve released our new website and have rebranded our design after months of hard work by our development team.

As you can see on the new website here,

we have created a completely new design & Logo and believe that the colors we have chosen best represent our global bitJob objective: to create an unprecedented system that can connect students with employers from all over the world.

With our new website, comes our upcoming pilot as well. What does our pilot mean for our potential users? An opportunity for both students and businesses to understand our platform in the simplest and most straightforward user experience. The pilot will allow employees to allocate hours of work per project. Therefore, students can choose the most suitable project for them and get paid for these services by PayPal or STU tokens.

If the student will choose to pay in STU tokens he can use these coins for future purchasing on the website. The following creates a symbiotic ecosystem where the consumer continues on purchasing due to a successful user experience.

This brings us to our logo, the compass.

We chose a compass because of its distinct symbol of direction — which is what we seek to provide for our users. We want to aid students build a career path, using our platform as a tool for success and guidance. In today’s job market, many students see difficulty in finding a job, as well as finding an appropriate medium for the job search in itself. At bitJob, we strive to assist students on both of these fronts.

You may find yourself asking, what is bitJob’s vision? To keep it simple, we want to make blockchain technology available to students worldwide, as students are the future of our labor market. Blockchain technology has shown the world its ability to disrupt and overcome boundaries, yet few people understand what it means. We want to make blockchain technology accessible and easy to understand for our users, so they can harness its abilities and best utilize it.

Lastly, we would like to thank the global bitJob community for your vested interest, support, and patience in this process. Our community means so much to us, we feel genuinely connected to all of you and hope to keep the upward trajectory of our community.

Please also note that The next 24 hours will be dedicated for the site testing and new server maintenance. We'd like to apologize and ask you to bear with us as Visitors might suffer from slight delays in response time. In addition, The mobile version of the site will be fully adjusted and responsive in 24 hours as well.

