Time Travel in Bitauth IDE with Scenarios

Jason Dreyzehner
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1 min readJul 22, 2020

Testing scripts in Bitauth IDE is now easier with support for custom scenarios.

Scenarios allow you to specify transaction circumstances — like the transaction time, block height, version, inputs, and outputs — or variable values — like private keys or address data. This makes it easier to test complex scripts across each possible code path.

Here you’ll see the scenarios available for a script in one of the example templates, 2-of-2 Recoverable Vault. These scenarios allow you to preview the script’s evaluation both before and after the expected recovery time. Before, spending is prevented by an OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY in the locking bytecode. After, the evaluation is allowed to proceed.

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Jason Dreyzehner

Bitcoin Cash, software security, and markets. Working on @Bitauth, previously at @BitPay.