BITLEVEX — Coming Soon

Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2019

BITLEVEX exchange is about to launch in early September and our team is already excited to begin on-boarding and serving our users from all over the world. In this Medium blog we will write about our exchange, its products and special features, as well as the news about our progress and future developments.

Sign up to this blog as well as to other Bitlevex social media in order to stay tuned with Bitlevex news and general important news and events in cryptocurrency world.


Bitlevex is next-generation cryptocurrency exchange with wide and unique product range, as well as with special exciting elements and tools. Our motto is “Trading made easy, not complex”, because it is a fundamental value for us to educate our users and serve them in their best interests. Therefore, we will pay much attention to educating people and helping them with their risk management.

We believe that financial system is about to change in the near future and existing paradigm is about to shift.

Our vision: One day all the human beings will have to adjust to a new financial paradigm in the world economy and Bitlevex will be there to serve as the most secure and trusted gateway into the crypto world and its new standards.

Our mission: To create universal gateway into crypto world for every human being. To provide amazing user experience by offering unique user-friendly product range which allows to exchange, trade and earn with high degree of security, professionalism and engagement.

BITLEVEX products

Our exchange is going to offer traditional products that include spot trading, margin trading with 100–1 leverage, Over The Counter (OTC) trading, lending under cryptocurrency collateral and others. From the early beginning Bitlevex will offer spot trading on major crypto-to-crypto pairs like BTC/ETH, BTC/LTC, BTC/XRP and others. In the beginning of 2020 fiat-to-crypto pairs will be added.

Apart from traditional exchange products mentioned above, we are about to introduce several products that are unique for cryptocurrency market, but are often used in traditional financial markets. Such products include cryptocurrency options, custom derivative creation and distribution, as well as products like Cryptocurrency Value Depreciation Swaps (CVDS) and other highly speculative instruments with high potential returns. More detailed information on each particular product is going to be presented and described in our future articles here, on Medium.

BITLEVEX special features

We are the first cryptocurrency exchange that is going to integrate social network elements (user feed, internal messenger, achievements and leveling system, competitions and others) inside our platform. Our intention is to have engaged auditorium that is using Bitlevex as the only platform for their crypto-to-crypto and fiat-to-crypto operations — by providing the widest product range on the market, we eliminate the need for users to travel around different exchanges for doing a particular trade.

Our educational and risk management tools will help users to better understand what they are doing and how to improve the results of their trading. Portfolio management is among high priorities for not only crypto traders, but for traders in general, it is important to understand how to deal with the risks and how to hedge your positions.

For some reason, there are quite a few crypto exchanges that have a mobile application, whereas it is obvious that everything nowadays goes mobile and for younger generations a mobile or a smartphone is a computer at the same time. It is important to offer people an application as a tool to make adjustments to their portfolio and/or make a particular trade from any location in the world with internet access. Bitlevex will launch its Android and iOS applications in 2020.

Stay tuned with us and get the latest news about our progress and development in our social media and here, in Medium.





Next-Generation Groundbreaking Cryptocurrency Exchange