Interoperability between Blockchains

Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2018
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As the Blockchain sector continues to expand, projects are looking more towards cooperation. This is most prominently seen in the rapidly growing interoperability between blockchains and applications. While the industry may not be quite to the point of total interoperability, we certainly are make great advancements in the technology.
Blockchains have been created to store many different types of data — machine data, human data, inventory data.. the list goes on. While this data is great for specific use-cases, making this data interoperable would open up a whole new level of potential for blockchain technology. Blockchain technology, is rapidly evolving, and stands to change many of the ways businesses operate, and interact. There are many practical scenarios for making blockchains interoperable, and as the technology evolves, we’ll begin seeing many new ways for these interactions to take place.
Bitlumens is no exception to the majority of blockchain projects looking forward to interoperability. Focusing on ways to improve the project is always at the forefront of Bitlumens’ goals, and interoperability is just one (of many) ideas Bitlumens is exploring, as ways to grow and improve.

Bitlumens’ continues attempting to solve the issues surrounding financial inclusion and energy access.

By combining Green Technologies, IoT, and the Blockchain, we’re able to provide end-users with a credit score, send remittances directly to a machine, and make M2M transactions.

We don’t need perfect applications from the start. We need to roll up our sleeves and DO IT! — Veronica Garcia, CEO / Bitlumens

As interoperability continues to make advances, more opportunity to solve the these issues will present themselves, and Bitlumens plans to take advantage of everything the technology has to offer, to meet its goals.

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Bitlumens uses the blockchain and IoT to bring electricity and water powered by solar technologies to rural areas.