Kubeapps ❤️ AKS

Adnan Abdulhussein
Bitnami Perspectives
1 min readJun 13, 2018

A couple of months ago, Bitnami and Microsoft launched support for the Kubernetes Service Catalog in Kubeapps. Today, with general availability of Azure Kubernetes Service, we are excited to unveil some upcoming changes to Kubeapps and the Service Catalog that make working with Azure cloud services a breeze.

Kubeapps is a Kubernetes dashboard that supercharges your Kubernetes cluster with simple browse and click deployment of applications. Building on Bitnami’s contributions to leading open source projects, Kubeapps provides a complete application delivery environment that empowers users to launch, review and share applications.

Using the Kubernetes Service Catalog with the Open Service Broker for Azure, Kubeapps displays a range of Azure Cloud Services that you can provision and connect to from within the applications running in your cluster.

With the recent changes in Kubeapps, you can now customize Azure Services for your applications directly from the dashboard with just a few clicks. This ease of use doesn’t come at the expense of control or security — Kubeapps works with RBAC controls baked into AKS by default.

Checkout the short screen recording below to see how this works:

Bitnami is very excited to partner with Azure and other members of the Kubernetes community. We’d love your feedback, try Kubeapps today.



Adnan Abdulhussein
Bitnami Perspectives

Software Engineer at Brex working on all things #cloud, #containers and #kubernetes.