7 Reasons Why Investing in BTNT is a Great Idea

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3 min readMay 25, 2018

Here you are, looking at another ICO project. There’s so many around. Why should you invest in BitNautic? Here’s 7 reasons why.

  1. The Product. BitNautic is a single platform, capable of holding together all the major players of the naval shipping market: carriers, shippers, producers, buyers. Every one of them has different needs, and different obstacles that prevent them from fulfilling them. And how do they solve them? Phone calls, unfavorable deals, friends of friends. Lack of choice, long waiting times, tedious and complicated bureaucracy. What we propose is a completely transparent network, where ship owners can list their ships, their location updated in real time, and cargo owners can find the best routes for their shipments, and at the best price. At the same time this will allow them to forge new business relationships, extending their network and bringing new customers to their business.
  2. The projected value in USD. With the Shipping Market standing at an astounding 8.1 TRILLION USD, of which more than 9 billions are lost each ear due to the problems BitNautic solves, the potential value of this token is incredible. According to studies based on similar cases in other industries, the BTNT value is expected to rise by the 560% in the first two months, and reach 1180% of the original Token Price in the first quarter of 2019, with a single BTNT going from 1,35 $ to 16,03 $. Not bad huh?
  3. The company is based in Switzerland. There’s no need to explain why this itself is a big deal, as Switzerland has been and still is a synonym for security and reliability. BitNautic is fully compliant with Swiss Law on ICOs, imposed by the FINMA, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, which will supervise any investment to the project and verify that everything is legally sound. This is NOT a scam.
  4. The Smart Contract is rock-solid. It is freely viewable on both GitHub and Etherscan, and it has been audited multiple times by experts. In our Smart Contract everything is crystal clear, and there is no way anyone can modify it (not even the people who created it), as the the Ethereum Blockchain logic acts as an impenetrable wall against all kinds of tampering.
  5. No direct competitors. As things are standing now, no other company is offering the same kind of services as BitNautic, and while the blockchain is slowly working its way into the logistics industry, not one player has managed to settle in the market yet.
  6. The BitNautic Token (BTNT) is an hybrid token, so it has two functions: it is both a payment token, so it has its own value, so you can hold on to it or use it to pay for services, and at the same time it’s a utility token, enabling you to be on the BitNautic Platform, the one hub for the shipping industry, where you can book maritime transport for your cargo, or find new clients for your shipping business.
  7. The BitNautic Team. The true fuel of every successful project? Enthusiasm, skill, drive. In a word, the Team. Besides the incredible expertise that our team can bring to the table, it’s made up of young people, friends in personal life, that work together like a well oiled machine. To guide them, the team also composes of experts from the shipping sector, from the sales sector and the crypto sector. This union of competence and cohesion is our strongest suit against any kind of adversity.

So what are you waiting for? Get On Board!

To know more visit: BitNautic Token Sale

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BitNautic is a Decentralized Shipping and Cargo platform based on Blockchain Technology. https://www.bitnautic.io