BitNautic joins the Blockchain in Transport Alliance

We’re glad to announce that we have joined BiTA, the global organization dedicated to determining best practices and standards relating to blockchain in the logistics marketplace.

3 min readNov 30, 2018


Breaking news! BitNautic has joined the Blockchain in Transport Alliance (BiTA), an organization dedicated to determining best practices and standards relating to blockchain in the transportation/logistics/supply chain marketplace. Among the most notable members, BiTA features FedEx, Microsoft, UPS, SAP, UberFreight and many others big players of the industry.

What does it mean to be pioneers? It’s all about courage, it’s about entering uncharted territory, no clear path in front of you, just your skills and your knowledge to guide you into the unknown,” said Gulzar Bajwa, Chairman of BitNautic. “You need to draw that path. We are tackling the transportation industry, an industry as old as Man, armed with the incredibly powerful technology that is the blockchain, trying to lay the foundations for the logistics of tomorrow. This is the mission of BitNautic, as well as that of our fellow members of BiTA, who warmly welcomed us to what is, by all means, a family of pioneers.”

Bajwa continued, “The complexity of this industry is unparalleled: each shipment involves many interested parties, paper-based documents and changes of ownership. While this might be scary to some, companies like BitNautic and organizations like BiTA can see the untapped potential that blockchain can unleash. BiTA is working hard to develop standards that will allow current and future ventures to work jointly towards the common goal of making transportation as transparent, efficient and sustainable as it can be.”

Oliver Haines, Vice President of BiTA-Europe, stated, “On behalf of the members of BiTA, I welcome BitNautic to the Alliance. As an innovative blockchain start-up, BitNautic’s solutions and expertise will help BiTA in its work to develop blockchain standards.” Haines continued, “In the supply chain, services like those BitNautic add value and can help companies be more efficient.”

About BitNautic

Founded in 2018 and based in Switzerland, BitNautic has successfully concluded its ICO reaching Hard Cap, selling over 30 million BitNautic Tokens (BTNT), and is en route to becoming one of the most influent enterprises in the space, with a working MVP already online and accessible to all BitNautic customers.

BitNautic has a decentralized platform, based on the Ethereum Blockchain, for matching demand and supply of shipping services, for all industry stakeholders: freight forwarders, charterers, carriers, importers and exporters. BitNautic comes with distinctive features like an extensive document management system, real-time tracking of ships and cargo, and a wholesale e-commerce platform.

About the Blockchain in Transport Alliance

Founded in August 2017, BiTA has quickly grown into the largest commercial blockchain alliance in the world, with nearly 500 members that collectively generate over $1 trillion in revenue annually. BiTA members are primarily from the freight, transportation, logistics and affiliated industries. Alliance members share a common mission to develop a standards framework, educate the market on blockchain applications and encourage the use of those applications. BiTA has offices in: Chattanooga, Tennessee (USA); Sydney, Australia (Asia-Pacific Region) and London (European Region). For more information, please visit




BitNautic is a Decentralized Shipping and Cargo platform based on Blockchain Technology.