Introducing the BitOasis Android App (Beta)

BitOasis Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2020
Beta Testing for BitOasis Android App

We are very delighted to announce the release of the BitOasis Android App in its Beta version for testing purposes. You will now be able to buy, sell digital assets and access your accounts directly through the app! To download the app, click here

Main Features

Core Buy/Sell

Instantly execute buy and sell orders on the app through the dedicated Core function.

Manage your Portfolio

Managing your digital asset and fiat balances has become even simpler and always in your pocket now. Deposit and withdraw at your convenience.

Deposit AED through Credit/Debit cards

To emphasize the ease of access, the app allows you to deposit AED to your BitOasis account through your personal debit or credit card and manage your cards directly.

The Android App Beta Phase

At BitOasis, we are proud to be very user-centric; The Beta version is intended to gather feedback and comments from you to optimize and fix any potential bugs and issues. Of course, we ultimately want you to enjoy the mobility and flexibility of having the app on your mobile.

To report any bugs, issues or share your feedback, please do not hesitate to send an email to

Future Releases

BitOasis Pro on Android App

Future releases will include a dedicated BitOasis Pro product that will allow you to access all advanced features such as trading orders, charting tools and orderbooks. In the meantime, you can access all Pro features through the web version.

BitOasis App on Apple iOS

The iOS version is currently under development. Our team is diligently working on finalizing it for release. We expect to share updates very soon.

Make sure to always check our Blog as well as our Twitter, Facebook, and Telegram accounts for the latest updates.



BitOasis Blog

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