What we actually do

Vitor Coelho
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2018

So, some people misunderstood the name of BitPolar…
‘BIT’ was actually just our way to say we are a digital company.

So, I’m Vitor Coelho, I am the founder of the Bitpolar “project”.

First, we are not a blockchain company; We work analysing P2P network’s data, as well as a bit of raw data and mostly web development, almost always aiming to improve travelling related systems. We do not own any blockchain, and to this day, we did not developed projects on blockchains.

Although we help its users, we’re just a small and specific group of analysts.

At BitPolar we are focused on making tourism more secure and simple.
We believe that the first step to humanity evolution is to understand that we must coexist. To understand that we’re a social being and most of us need to learn and understand that perspective. We believe that the best way to do that is to travel and meet new people; And… We wanna help with that!
Simple, right?

So, what we actually do, is to make anything related to tourism and travelling, simpler. Most of our customers fit in two categories:

1º: Small business such as hotels and travel agencies; We upgrade their system to the newest technologies, teach them about new options, API’s and even what could be a good opportunity to expand their services. The majority of our montly customers are small hotels/B&B’s.

Their customers; Travellers usually come to us with more specific questions such as what would be the cheapest way to send money to another country, or how can they improve their freelance service to other countries, or, even the simpler way to “send” the family itself to another country that they’re travelled and are in love with ❤!

Yes, we do have customers on the ‘Bitcoin’ matter.

This services requests actually started after we got a few customers to use blockchains as a way to make their trips cheaper, and they told friends who had had a few problems with it, such as sending Bitcoin to a Bcash address, or tracking stolen Bitcoins to recover; And yes, sometimes it is recoverable!

Although, this is recent. In two years of activity, we have less than a dozen customers with this kind of issues. Our current success rate on this matters is approximately 37%.

If you have an issue with any P2P network, as well as blockchains or any even networks with raw public data, we are more than happy to look deeper with you and find out where we can find a solution for it. Obviously, we like the money, but this services bring big puzzles which we are crazy for!

If you have any questions about what we can or can’t do, drop us a line!

*ps: We are on final steps of changing our jurisdiction from Brazil to Estonia; News to EEA customers very soon!

