Test instructions: Lightning on Bitrefill

Justin Camarena
Bitrefill Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2017

You no longer need to install command line tools to try out how Lightning will soon work on Bitcoin. Just follow these instructions and you can buy a pretend Steam voucher in no time!

Disclaimer we have closed are testnet node and are now running on mainnet, please visit this link for mainnet instructions: https://medium.com/@bitrefill/mobile-instructions-lightning-on-bitrefill-8f21bbb0cc3

Try out lightning payments with Bitrefill on Testnet.

Note: Testnet is not real bitcoin, and the refills delivered this way are not real. It’s just a proof of concept. :)

Step 1) Install Eclair Wallet Mobile on Google Play

Step 2) Fund you wallet with testnet coins


Step 3) Open a channel to our Lightning Node

Scan our node qr code in the link below:


To view the lightning network visualized with all our channel try out acinq’s lightning network explorer!

Step 4) Visit our Test Lightning Website



After the channel has a few confirmations create an order and scan the invoice to make your first lightning payment!

IMPORTANT: The Lightning Network is still being implemented, anything shown above is purely a work in progress before it is ready on mainnet, but rest assured we will deploy live payments when stable enough. If you have any issues feel free to join LND Community Slack for assistance. Ping justin for help about the Bitrefill parts.

Thanks for recharging with Bitrefill

Bitrefill Team

