The best stories are the ones where people reach their moon

Bitrefill Blog
Published in
5 min readMar 12, 2021

We love crypto and we love stories about people having powerful life transformations from adopting it. These tools make things possible for those who never thought they could.

Bitcoin was a complete longshot from the beginning

One of the most impressive things about Satoshi’s invention, is the powerful impact it has had on the lives of its early adopters. When the Bitcoin experiment was first unleashed in the wild, it had no value, it had a known scaling limitation, and nobody could have predicted that it would ever have the success that it has had. There are over 300 articles predicting the death of Bitcoin, despite its miraculous resilience.

The first Bitcoiners mined Bitcoin from their laptops earning 50 BTC per block. Many of these initial coins were irrecoverably lost by users who either lost their private keys, didn’t correctly save their wallet .dat files, or simply forgot to write down their passwords. Others were hacked, had their coins stolen, lost, got scammed, or fell victim to early exchange fiascos like MT. Gox.

Others simply spent their coins without replacing them. Not everyone who was there in the early days has a sob story, however. Many adopters carefully hodl’d, and have incredible stories about how Bitcoin changed their lives, forever.

Incredible testimonies of Bitcoiners and their moon

Reddit’s r/bitcoin subreddit was the first place we started encountering these heartwarming stories. Let’s take a look at some of the best posts of people telling their personal moon stories.

Moon over Mexico

Bitcoin has been especially powerful for those living in developing economies, with weak national currencies. This post sums this up perfectly:

Once I read on this sub that we should HODL, and wait for BTC to go for 50k then 100k then 150k but i’m a young guy from Mexico that just made a considerable amount of money in BTC. Started buying pre 6k but in Mexico the economy is SHIT, said that it is really hard to save money, the whole economics in Mexico is a joke.

I reached my moon, I was starting to get the stress and the concurrent thoughts about losing my winnings, so this is a call for everyone out there who feels it already reached his moon.

Once in a blue moon

This account, tells the story of how with Bitcoin, the next 28 years improved for this Bitcoiner:

I am a hodler. This is my story of how $15 USD got me a house. The common mortgage in my country is 30 years at 12%. Thats a lot. I bought 2 years ago at that rate.

Years ago there were “revenue share” scam sites popping up everywhere. I knew they were a scam, but heard of a couple that were actually paying. As you know, these scam sites really pay out at the beginning to draw in more people. I decided to give it a go with $15. These sites allowed users to withdraw either dollars or Bitcoin. I completed my ‘daily tasks’ (clicking on ads) and managed to withdraw about 4 BTC before they scammed out and disappeared.

It wasn’t worth a whole lot at the time, but I hodled. I eventually bought a little more here and there when the price seemed good and had some extra cash around. I also spent a little, but held most of it. I was very tempted to sell in December 2017, but I HODLED. It dropped like a rock, yet I hodled.

After I bought the house I set a figure so that if my btc ever totaled more than x amount I would sell to pay off my mortgage. Well, early today I reached and exceeded that amount. I sold and still have btc left over.

Debt-free thanks to BTC

This poster managed to overcome crippling debt, and set out with a clean slate financially:

Well guys, it’s been quite the ride. I’m selling my Bitcoin today. I’ll get back in eventually. Invested $1500 a while back. Now I have enough to become debt free, right as I graduate college.

Bitcoin, you have made it quite the time to be alive.

Remember, as that one poster said that one time, we are going to the moon. But everyone’s moon is different.

Home is where the heart is

Another account of a Bitcoiner hodling their way into their first home:

Been investing since 2015 , diamond hands even when it hit 3.8k last year , finally selling 1btc to put it down for house deposit , feel guilty about it but I ll slowly start buying btc till it moons, thanks reddit crypto community , you been an inspiration for my first crypto buy since 2015 x

Edit: I still owe x amount of btc and other crypto assets. Yup, I am paying taxes on this.

Long term hodler secures the future

This story, comes from a Bitcoiner hodling since 2013, who has secured a bright future:

Anyway here I am now. I’m done riding the crypto rollercoaster. I have been fully exposed to crypto ever since learning about decentralization in 2017. And although I’m extremely bullish on crypto, I’m going to lock in some money so I have a stable lifestyle over the next decade plus, as well as diversify my investments.

It really does a number to you when your future is uncertain — life with 10k vs 100k vs 1mil vs 10mil net worth is very different, at least for me. I had let money control my mood and life goals over the past few years in both the ups and downs. But there is so much more to life than money and being glued to a screen. I sold about 20 coins for $35k average which will set me right for a very good amount of time. I’m out, I’m done stressing and having sleepless nights. I have major FOMO that we’ll ultra moon from here, but I can’t take another cycle of this. A million dollars is a lot of money, and while 10m+ would be nice to have, this is life changing enough for me.

Good luck to y’all out there whether you’ve been around a while or are new to crypto. Crypto has gifted me freedom and I’ve learned so much over the years. Please remember to take care of yourselves. Bitcoin prices aren’t everything.

Have a crypto moon story?

Nothing else makes us feel more certain that we’re doing valuable work by making it possible to live on crypto, than hearing these awe-inspiring stories of people reaching their personal moon. If you, or someone you know has an incredible story about reaching their moon, encourage them to tell it in our “My Moon” video contest. We’d love to hear from you!

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