Bitrise is now hiring remotely!

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4 min readApr 3, 2019

If you’ve been wondering what it’s like at Bitrise, but the distance was always in the way, now’s the chance. Head of Legal, Customer Success Engineer, Technical Support Engineer — the list of our new positions goes on and most of them are now open to remote applicants as well. Read on to find out more.

The Bitrise philosophy

Our CEO, Barnabas, is always very eager to share our philosophy as a company: “Our mission is to enable everyone to always improve the quality of their apps. We do this by offering you — what we believe to be — the best possible place for mobile continuous integration and delivery, while also expanding into related areas of the mobile DevOps cycle to give you even more ways to improve. We also aim to staythe best place for your mobile development processes by constantly collecting feedback and input from our users.”

That’s only half of the equation, though: “We need to also turn those insights into improvements. To do that, we need the best possible people working on Bitrise. Those people don’t always live down the street and — as fun as it may be — not everyone is willing to move to Budapest, Hungary.” For most positions, you’re still very welcome to come to our head office here, but now, you can also join a growing number of Bitrisers spread out across the globe.

We need the best possible people working on Bitrise. Those people don’t always live down the street

From local to global

Even though we have some pressing reasons to go remote as a company, we’re hardly the first ones to do so. Working from your preferred location and having a flexible schedule is not a rare thing in today’s job market, at all — for example, our friends at Buffer are well known for having a fully distributed team. According to Forbes Magazine, remote work has already become the standard operating mode for at least 50% of the U.S. population and this tendency is expected to grow even stronger in 2019. The reason behind these figures is simple: companies are rapidly realizing that in order to get the best out of their employees, they need to invest in fully virtual workplaces, and look for talents all around the globe.

It’s no secret that Bitrise started out with a Budapest-based team, either — however, since we’re growing at such a rate, it was high time for us as well to look forward when it comes to evolving our workspace and workforce. While having a close-knit team in the Budapest office is wonderful, we realize that in order to find the best people for each of our open positions, we need to expand — globally.

Bitrise started out with a Budapest-based team, but we need to expand — globally.

Events such as the recent acquisition of the UK-based monitoring and analytics company, Outlyer, have already made the idea of interconnected offices from all around the world a reality for us, but in order to provide the best possible platform for all mobile app developers, we need the very best of the best — regardless of the location. This is why…

Bitrise is opening its doors to remote applicants

We are happy to announce that from now on, the majority of our open positions will be open to remote applicants as well! Whether you’re in Japan or the U.S., we’re looking for talented people in different fields, such as finance, legal, support, or engineering. Of course, in addition to the exciting roles,

we offer an unlimited possibility for progress and self-development, as well as a competitive salary, the latest tech gear, a laid-back vibe with the coolest co-workers, and stock options.

In our list of open positions, we have roles such as the Technical Support Engineerwho would communicate with our clients from around the world and help them solve any technical issues that might arise. This can be done either from Hungary or remotely, preferably from North America, or even from Japan. We’re also on the hunt for a top-notch, experienced legal professional — ideally a graduate from a first-rate US or international law school — to become our Head of Legal, who would review and negotiate sales contracts with existing and prospective customers, provide a long-term strategy, and serve as a trusted advisor. Last but not least, we are also looking for a Customer Success Engineer, which will be a direct, customer-facing role that focuses on making the best out of the interactions between us and our clients, and ensures that they have the best user experience possible.

If you’re interested but are looking for something closer to your skill set, check out our careers page to see more of our current openings. If you still don’t find anything fitting but would love to join us anyway, drop a line to our HR guy, Gábor Sipos (, and he’ll get back to you to discuss how we can work together. Hope to see you soon on the company Slack!

Originally published at




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