How Does SEO Work? 10 Aspects to Know as a Beginner

Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd
Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd
6 min readJun 18, 2024
SEO or Search Engine Optimization working fundamentals
SEO or Search Engine Optimization working fundamentals

To make an online business authenticated, profitable, and reliable, preferring SEO is a core choice. SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization and it’s a branch of digital marketing. Every sector is leveraging SEO because it’s the best option to pick for marketing products and services online.

Imagine you have a question about the best pizza place in town. You wouldn’t knock on every door, right? Instead, you’d probably whip out your phone and use a search engine like Google.

Search engines are like giant libraries of the internet. They store information from billions of websites and use complex algorithms to understand what each website is about. When you type in a question or search term, the search engine acts like a librarian, sifting through its collection and presenting you with the most relevant websites at the top of the search results page (SERP).

Think of the SERP as a prime location in a bustling marketplace. The higher your website ranks on the results page, the more likely potential customers will see you and visit your site.

That’s where SEO or Search Engine Optimization comes in the field!

Let’s understand how search engines work.

How Search Engines Work and Connect Users with Information?

Search engines work tirelessly behind the scenes to understand the vast amount of information online. They use special programs called “crawlers” that constantly visit websites, reading their content and following links to other websites. This crawling process helps them build a giant index of all the information they find.

Think of it like a spider weaving a web. The crawlers visit each website like a new strand, and the links between websites become the connections on the web.

Once the information is gathered, search engines use sophisticated algorithms to figure out which websites are the most relevant and helpful for a particular search query. Here’s where SEO becomes crucial.

To guide everyone on how the search engine works, they pre-defined the set of rules and guidelines called “Webmaster Guidelines.” In these guidelines, the complete overview is described on how the user interacts with the search terms and in which manner the search engine gives the results.

By optimizing your website for relevant keywords and providing high-quality content, you can help search engines understand that your site is the perfect answer for someone’s search.

Key Ranking Factors Considered by Search Engines

Search engines consider several factors when deciding which websites deserve the top spots on the SERP. Here are three of the most important ones:


Search engines analyze your website’s text, images, and overall structure to determine if it’s truly relevant to the search terms people are using. It’s best to ask yourself “Does your website content actually address the user’s search query?”


On the web, many fraudulent websites are created daily for manipulating the search engine results pages (SERPs). So, to eliminate that risk, search engines consider factors like backlinks (links from other websites pointing to yours) and brand mentions to assess your authority on a particular topic. It signals trustworthy and credible signs for search engines.

User Experience (UX)

Every search engine’s motto is to provide a better user experience to every user who is looking for the problem’s solutions. Thus, having an easy-to-navigate and responsive website enhances the experience on every device and indicates to search engines the site is relevant and visible on the SERPs. This includes things like fast loading speed, mobile-friendliness, and clear website structure.

By focusing on these key factors, you can help your website climb the search engine rankings ladder and reach a wider audience of potential customers.

10 Fundamental Aspects of Search Engine Optimization To Know

SEO is one kind of practice that has been followed to get better rankings in SERPs for certain keywords. Ever wonder how some websites seem to magically appear at the top of search results, while others struggle to get noticed? The answer lies in the power of SEO, or Search Engine Optimization.

Here we mentioned the top 10 aspects that you should know when considering Search Engine Optimization to make your online presence better.

Search Engines: The Gatekeepers of Online Visibility

Search engines like Google and Bing are vast libraries with powerful librarians (algorithms) constantly sorting and organizing information. These algorithms determine which websites appear in search results and the order they appear. SEO is about understanding how these algorithms work and optimizing your website to be recognized as a valuable resource for searchers.

Keywords: The Language of Search

Keywords are the words and phrases people type into search engines to find information. Identifying relevant keywords for your business or niche is crucial. Also, categorizing keywords (like seed keywords, LSI keywords, and short & long-tail keywords) in their priority level will make the content useful, relevant, and helpful for searchers.

In addition, these keywords should be used perfectly throughout the website and escape from overuse because it’s a bad practice of SEO.

For example, you try to search on Google “Best Website Development Companyand you click on the 5th result where you find many times they stuff the single keywords many times. Thus, you immediately back to the main SERP and it signals search engines to demote that website because it’s not useful but trying to manipulate the rankings.

Read more: SEO Secrets Revealed: Maximize Your Website Visibility

Content is King (and Queen): Valuable and Engaging

Search engines favor websites with high-quality, informative content that addresses users’ needs. This could be blog posts, articles, product descriptions, or any content that provides value to your audience.

Regularly update your website with fresh content to keep search engines and visitors engaged giving results such as increased organic traffic, better conversion, and retention rate.

On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization involves optimizing the elements within your website to improve search engine ranking. This includes incorporating relevant keywords in titles, meta descriptions, headings, and image alt text. It also involves ensuring your website is mobile-friendly, has a clean layout, and loads quickly.

Backlinks: Building Trust and Authority

Backlinks are essentially links from other websites pointing to yours. Search engines view backlinks as a sign of trust and credibility. Earning backlinks from reputable websites in your niche can significantly improve your website’s ranking. Note that link exchange or paid content with a “Nofollow” attribute never counts as a trust signal in SEO.

Technical SEO: The Behind-the-Scenes Stuff

Technical SEO involves ensuring the technical aspects of your website are functioning properly. This includes having a clean website structure, a mobile-friendly design, and a secure connection (HTTPS).

One of the best advantages of preferring the website development company is it offers technical SEO optimization which is an important aspect of the SERPs. While free website builders don’t offer this option.

Local SEO: Noticed in Your Neighbourhood

Local SEO is a kind of strategy that has been implemented to improve the search rankings in a targeted area. If your business has a physical location or caters to a local audience, optimizing for local SEO is essential. Claim your Google My Business listing, ensure your website includes your address and contact information, and consider getting listed in local directories.

Patience is a Virtue: SEO is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Search Engine Optimization is a game of patience and expecting overnight success is a foolish thing. It takes time and consistent effort to see results. However, by implementing these best practices and creating valuable content, you’ll gradually improve your website’s ranking and organic traffic.

Multi-Language Support

In a website, multi-language support is the core aspect to consider when looking for the best SEO results. With the multilingual support on the website, users can find the information in their native language eliminating the risk of translation and having glitches.

For example, if your website supports the German language, then a user who opens your site from Germany the overall content will automatically translate into a user’s location.

Read More: 10 Principles of Good Web Design to Consider for 2024

Stay Curious and Keep Learning

The world of SEO is constantly evolving and following the expert’s tips helps to get the expected results. There are many resources available to learn SEO trends and practices by reading blogs, attending webinars, or following experts on social media.

Implementing different strategies gives various outputs and which works better depends on your business goals (brand awareness, improvement in conversion rates, and retaining loyal customers.


Search Engine Optimization is a necessary aspect of any website to attract potential clients and convert them into loyal customers. To show the relevant results quickly on web pages, search engines use an algorithm. Understanding the algorithm is the key factor to making a website rank better and higher where most users are clicking. Also, knowing these 10 aspects will make your foundational knowledge related to SEO advanced and appropriate.

If you’re a business owner and searching for the best SEO services provider then Bitrix Infotech brings the best solutions for you at affordable costs. Contact us for further information on how we deliver the results to your requirements.



Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd
Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd

Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd is a leading web and mobile applications development company and a team of passionate developers.