UX design framework needed in web development

Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd
Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd
3 min readNov 1, 2022

UX is the user experience that every designer works for to make every customer satisfied with the work design. UX design framework is helpful in delivering a successful project. Every designer uses this UX design framework to solve the problems and queries they are facing and to come to the proper decision for their successful work completion.

What is a Design Framework?

UX design framework is the set of tools, workflow, protocols, and processes for design projects. UX design framework is the proper approach for the design team to solve problems and deliver projects. Also, this UX design framework is useful for newcomers or existing designers who don’t know the flow. They can get all the details regarding the design flow to work further properly.

In large organizations, there are cross-functional teams who are working on the same product. For their coordination and collaborative work, This UX design framework proved very helpful to understand the flow of work and many more things regarding project completion. This framework is not to force the designer regarding the work or something; instead, this framework is to solve the problem of the particular design and understand the workflow which is going on at present.

Why do we Need Design Frameworks?

  • To deliver the project systematized and invariably.
  • All team members can communicate and collaborate regarding the product development process.
  • Fewer defects and effective design shifts
  • Lower the constriction and maximize output.

UX Design Frameworks:-

  1. Design thinking process

This is the basis of the design framework process which is learned by every designer to understand the framework accurately. This design thinking process has five stages as listed below.

  1. Empathize:- Gathering requirements that the user needed.
  2. Define:- Selection of problem which we want to solve
  3. Ideate:- Invention of a possible solution for users
  4. Prototype:- Prototype creation
  5. Test:- Making a test of the prototype with clients and customers.

2. Double Diamond

Double diamond is the outcome-based framework used to implement new ideas for further design innovation. There are two stages (diamonds) and four steps to the double-diamond framework

Stage one:- Preparation

Discover:- In this, the UX team finds out the needs of the end user regarding the design changes or issues.

Define:- Designers get insights from the investigation which help them to solve queries.

Stage Two — Prototyping & Testing:

Develop- UX team use prototyping and creative ideation to solve user’s problems.

Deliver:- Team must test their solution with the end user and should make changes accordingly.

3. Hooked model

The hooked model is what brings more value to the model for the customer which is also known as “build habit-forming products.” The hooked model has four stages listed below.

  1. Trigger
  2. Action
  3. Variable reward and
  4. Investment

4. Lean UX

Lean UX is to prioritize the outcomes over the deliverables. This methodology delivers the proper problem-solving product to the user because this UX framework process eliminates unnecessary features. Also, there are three stages of lean UX called Think, Make and Check.

5. Agile UX

The agile UX framework is to align with agile software development.

  1. Customer experience
  2. Stable development
  3. Simplicity
  4. Feasible teams
  5. Building projects under-motivated atmosphere

6. BASIC Framework

BASIC UX framework is for usable products. A relatively new framework provides the interaction design for modern development.

The five principles of BASIC are,

B = Beauty

A = Accessibility

S = Simplicity

I = Intuitiveness

C = Consistency

7. The UX Honeycomb

UX honeycomb has seven principles and these all principles guide the designer to deliver good quality products and UX. The UX honeycomb’s seven principles are as listed below.

  1. Useful
  2. Usable
  3. Desirable
  4. Findable
  5. Accessible
  6. Credible
  7. Valuable

8. The Fogg Behavior Model

The Fogg Behavior Model state that “Behaviour or action is the result of three elements converging”:

  1. Motivation
  2. Ability
  3. Trigger

Above mentioned information shows the major importance of the UX design framework in successful project completion where better UX is compulsory for the end user’s satisfaction. Get your own UX design framework ideas to execute on your website by contacting us.



Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd
Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd

Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd is a leading web and mobile applications development company and a team of passionate developers.