What are the essential features to power up a new E-commerce app?

Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd
Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd
3 min readSep 27, 2022

Everything is now on the web. From checking for the restaurants near me to ordering the furniture to settle up the whole home. We can do anything with the help of an online web presence. Nowadays we are fully dependent on apps to fulfil all our requirements, Which increases the competition between apps and businesses to increase the quality of apps. That’s what we can see on a larger scale for E-commerce apps.

Here we are gonna make you aware of essential features to power up your app if you are running an e-commerce business. And below we have listed all aspects to improve the e-commerce app performance.

  • Fresh UI/UX design

Fresh UI/UX is compulsory to change after using it for so long. Change in everything is very much necessary. By making the fresh UI/UX to experience the best new and fresh design which makes users feel more aesthetic and more engaged with the design. Also, the new design puts a positive impression on the user.

  • Rich product catalogue with a 360-degree view

The product catalogue should be more informative and should contain the proper and effective visuals in it which could make users feel more satisfied after watching the product catalogue. Making a 360-degree view will increase the trust and engagement of the user which also increases customer retention.

  • The easy and fast checkout process

The easy and fast checkout process is what puts a positive impression on the user. Our checkout process should be well optimized to bring the most perfect checkout system to the user. Because after purchasing the product a customer has found, If the checkout shows a bug or takes more time to execute, it is the worst thing which decreases customer retention. And the checkout should be done on only one page. There should not be a long or many more pages checkout process.

  • Enhanced customer analytics and tracking

Enhanced analytics and tracking make us aware of the activity of the users on our website. We can track their activity and it can be helpful for us to plan further accordingly. Analytics is also useful to understand the many things which we can’t get easily. Making updates in these areas gives the output which later becomes more useful to the user and increases customer satisfaction in the end.

  • Enhanced mobile marketing capabilities

Mobile marketing enhancement is the most important factor to be modified to get the best results. Mobile marketing is what we can optimize by providing the user with the marketing ads according to their searches. That’s what increases the familiarity for users to get the product they want on our app.

  • Discounts offers and other referrals

Discounts, offers and referrals are the major user attractor for any app in any field. After and before putting the product in a cart customers are always looking for offers and discounts. So, these kinda updates we can provide to draw more attention to the app.

  • Reviews and feedback

Reviews and feedback are what bring any e-commerce business new opportunities to work on and make them aware of loopholes and the best qualities they have in business. And also, give the information from the user’s perspective which can not be easily experienced or found from the maker’s side.

This is how we can update according to the areas which are mentioned above for our e-commerce application. Get your personalised e-commerce application power-up solutions by Contacting us.



Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd
Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd

Bitrix Infotech Pvt Ltd is a leading web and mobile applications development company and a team of passionate developers.