The black hole of software engineering research

Amy J. Ko
Bits and Behavior
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2015

Over the last couple of years as a startup CTO, I’ve made a point of regularly bringing software engineering research into practice. Whether it’s been bleeding edge tools, or major discoveries about process, expertise, or bug triage, it’s been an exciting chance to show professional engineers a glimpse of what academics can bring to practice.

The results have been mixed. While we’ve managed to incorporate much of the best evidence into our tools and practices, most of what I present just isn’t relevant, isn’t believed, or isn’t ready. I’ve demoed exciting tools from research, but my team has found them mostly useless, since they aren’t production ready. I’ve referred to empirical studies that strongly suggest the adoption of particular practices, but experience, anecdote, and context have usually won out over evidence. And honestly, many of our engineering problems simply aren’t the problems that software engineering researchers are investigating.

Why is this?

I think the issue is more than just improving the quality and relevance of research. In fact, I think it’s a system-level issue between the interaction between academia and industry. Here’s my argument:

  • Developers aren’t aware of software engineering research.
  • Why aren’t they aware? Most explicit awareness of research findings comes through coursework, and most computer science students take very little coursework in software engineering.
  • Why don’t they take a lot of software engineering? Software engineering is usually a single required course, or even just an elective. There also aren’t a large number of software engineering masters programs, to whom much of the research might be disseminated.
  • Why are there so few courses? Developers don’t need a professional masters degree in order to get high paying engineering jobs (unlike other fields, like HCI, where professional masters programs are a dominant way to teach practitioners the latest research and engage them in the academic community). This means fewer needs for software engineering faculty, and fewer software engineering Ph.D. students.
  • Why don’t students need coursework to get jobs? There’s huge demand for engineers, even complete novice ones, and many of them know enough about software engineering practice through open source and self-guided projects to quickly learn software engineering skills on the job.
  • Why is it sufficient to learn on the job? Most software engineering research focuses on advanced automated tools for testing and verification. While this is part of software engineering practice, there are many other aspects of software engineering that researchers don’t investigate, limiting the relevance of the research.
  • Why don’t software engineering researchers investigate more relevant things? Many of the problems in software engineering aren’t technical problems, but people problems. There aren’t a lot of faculty or Ph.D. students with the expertise to study these people problems, and many CS departments don’t view social science on software engineering as computer science research.
  • Why don’t faculty and Ph.D. students have the expertise to study the people problems? Faculty and Ph.D. students ultimately come from undergraduate programs that inspire students to pursue a research area. Because there aren’t that many opportunities to learn about software engineering research, there aren’t that many Ph.D. students that pursue software engineering research.

The effect of this vicious cycle? There are few venues for disseminating software engineering research discoveries to current or future engineers, and few reasons for engineers to study the research themselves.

How do we break the cycle? Here are a few ideas:

  1. Software engineering courses need present more research. Show off the cool things we invent and discover!
  2. Present more relevant research. Show the work that changes how engineers do their job.
  3. Present and offer opportunities to engage in research. We need more REU students!

This obviously won’t solve all of the problems above, but its a start. At the University of Washington, I think we do pretty well with 1) and 3). I occasionally teach a course in our Informatics program on software engineering that does a good job with 2). But there’s so much more we could be doing in terms of dissemination and impact.



Amy J. Ko
Bits and Behavior

Professor, University of Washington iSchool (she/her). Code, learning, design, justice. Trans, queer, parent, and lover of learning.