Dry Mouth

from Heart-Shaped Hands.

Ollie Ander
Published in
Aug 29, 2021


Photo by Layre Del Rio on Unsplash. Edited by Slaidey Valheim.

My mouth watered
for your crisp forbidden apple,
so I sewed my lips shut.

If I stayed quiet,
the preachers didn’t care
I was choking on my own spit.

You can find more memoir/prose by Slaidey Valheim here on the Bits & Bones publication.
Everything under the tag “Heart-Shaped Hands” are excepts from the same titled e-book, available on Amazon.
If you’d like to support the writer and get your hands on all these pieces (and a few more) you can purchase it

Thank you for reading!



Ollie Ander
Bits & Bones

Writer of brutally honest non-fiction & prose. Ollie hosts The Open Book channel on Youtube and Acidicink.ca