Late Nights

from Heart-Shaped Hands.

Ollie Ander
Published in
1 min readJun 23, 2021


Photo by Beth JNR on Unsplash. Edited by Slaidey Valheim.

An indescribably addicting mix of shame and excitement
found me in the late nights huddled at my desk,
fingers lightly tapping,
ears perked for bodies stirring,
professing in my own style of subtext,
a longing for the boy next door.

Something prideful remained in me
as my heart fluttered with the panic
and I sat in the dark after switching off my lights,
pretending not to be awake,

because they knew exactly what I was doing
and deep down I wanted them to.

You can find more memoir/prose by Slaidey Valheim here on the Bits & Bones publication.
Everything under the tag “Heart-Shaped Hands” are excepts from the same titled e-book, available on Amazon.
If you’d like to support the writer and get your hands on all these pieces (and a few more) you can purchase it

Thank you for reading!



Ollie Ander
Bits & Bones

Writer of brutally honest non-fiction & prose. Ollie hosts The Open Book channel on Youtube and