Worry Rock

from Heart-Shaped Hands.

Ollie Ander
Published in
Sep 10, 2021


Photo by Jeppe Hove Jensen on Unsplash. Edited by Slaidey Valheim.

You took my pieces
no matter the shades I painted them
and scratched the coating off slowly
with the pad of your thumb,
worrying your print into my shape,
and promised to love me anyway.

You can find more memoir/prose by Slaidey Valheim here on the Bits & Bones publication.
Everything under the tag “Heart-Shaped Hands” are excepts from the same titled e-book, available on Amazon.
If you’d like to support the writer and get your hands on all these pieces (and a few more) you can purchase it

Thank you for reading!



Ollie Ander
Bits & Bones

Writer of brutally honest non-fiction & prose. Ollie hosts The Open Book channel on Youtube and Acidicink.ca