The End justifies The Suffering

Apostol Apostolov
Apostol’s Blog
Published in
1 min readFeb 3, 2018

You’re going to die, your friends are going to die, your family is going to die. Some of them are probably going to become ill. You are probably going to become ill. And it’s going to be hard.

There is no escaping from suffering. No matter how hard you try, suffering will always be in and around your life. That’s reality. The question is “”What to do about it?”.

One of the answers is “pick a goal and start working towards it”.

But not just any goal.

Imagine. What is the best thing that could happen? The best thing that you could bring into existence? The thing that would make all the hardship meaningful? That would make you say:

“Despite all the suffering, tragedy and evil in this world, if I get to build this thing, crate this life, make this change in the world, then it will all be worth it.”

It’s simple. Make light that’s bigger than the darkness.

sun and clouds above a valley of mist

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