#30daysofARsketches is over

Sean Scott
Bits & Pixels
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2016

Well it took a bit more than 30 days (more on that below) but the this chapter in my AR/VR journey is over. This adventure taught me many lessons, one of which is not easy to complete it. But often the lesson is not in the goal but in the process. So without further ado, some stats and lessons learned.

The Winners

The top three sketches that garnered the most likes.

Augmented Concept
Multisphere Concept
Reveal Concept
  • Augmented: This concept was about exploring analog objects and how they could be augmented with a AR headset. In this case we had a tablet or physical book whose content was being consume by both user and headset. The headset would then display stats and additional data found in the text.
  • Sphere: This concept used a sphere like element to enable users to explore an event. The most obvious behavior would be that each facet of the sphere contained a certain vantage point or time interval of an event being explored. As users rotated the sphere they would see a different vantage point and be exposed to data about that scene.
  • Reveal: Other there are few tied for 3rd place, this one got to 3rd place first and was one of the
    “simplest” concept I drew. The idea was inspired by real life, and that we typically do when we are trying to focus and get more information (looking at a menu for example), we move the object closer to us so we may inspect it better. There is something intuitive about getting more information about a digital object as you move it closer to yourself.

42 Days

That’s the actual time it took me to complete 30 drawings. The journey started off rather well as I was full of inspiration. I had a good pace going through the middle but around day 20 is when it became a real challenge. The biggest obstacles soon became to find a theme or subject to explore in VR. My initial reservoir of ideas had been by that point already used up. One of my rules was not to revisit an idea.

0 Structure

I didn’t set out with a particular theme. I had certain rules, ie sketch should be an original concept or idea. But the organic nature of this exercise allowed me to explore menu systems in augmented or virtual reality. I also evolved to exploring how real analog and digital objects would behave or be augmented in #AR.


The number of aggregate likes the series garnered. Not even a blip on the Kardashian scale, but it was a great motivator to keep going.

What is Next

First thing, is recommending their approach to all my friends and colleagues trying to attach a new subject matter. I certainly feel a real difference in how I approach AR/VR problems now. Second is to now take the top 3 sketches and implement them as 3D interfaces in Unity. Stay tuned…



Sean Scott
Bits & Pixels

Finite being in an infinitely expanding world of pixels and atoms