Bits & Pixels — TL:DR Edition 3 / Summer Camp for Billionnaires, HBO’s CEO doesn’t like conference tables, COMICON is on and Putin is about to try Yoga

Sean Scott
Bits & Pixels
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2 min readJul 10, 2015


  • While mainstream media and most peoples attention is on Comicon, some of the most powerful people in the world have all gathered in Idaho attending the exclusive invite-only Allen & Co conference. Who is eating lunch with whom is often a precursor of the next giant merger or acquisition. One of the truths to come out from many of the folks attending this year is how hard it’s increasingly becoming to get folks to care and ultimately buy things. With social media noise growing exponentially every year and both purchasing and consumption habits ever changing many companies are looking to pivot around Facebook and get into mobile in a meaningful way.

1. I’m all about that content boss

  • Meet the Richard Plepler, the CEO of HBO and how is unconventional approach to strategy, decision making and peer relationships has kept HBO at the forefront and Netflix still in the rearview mirror

2. Tech Roundup

  • Well while most journalist are running with the headline that the Apple Watch is flopping, VentureBeat takes a more balanced perspective. The truth probably lies closer to VentureBeat’s POV. That yes, demand for the Apple Watch is down as with any product that is so hyped, but it’s not flopping.
  • If you are a brand, you remember very clearly how much money was spent trying to get people to “like” your page and how over time that investment became irrelevant. Well Facebook has a introduced a new tier of “likes” for pages called “See First”. In an effort to create more relevant feeds, Facebook is letting users tag pages and users as “See First” so that their posts show up and are prioritized on the feed.

3. Game Roundup

4. Overheard

  • “I have tried many things, but never yoga, but it cannot fail to attract.” said Vladimir Putin.



Sean Scott
Bits & Pixels

Finite being in an infinitely expanding world of pixels and atoms