In the future, there won’t be much difference between feature and fan-made

Sean Scott
Bits & Pixels
Published in
1 min readSep 2, 2015

The post millennial generation, those that have grown up with smart phones, YouTube content and Netflix won’t care about the difference between fan-made and feature content.

A huge fan of the Percy Jackson Novels, my 10-year old son was clamoring for us to download the next movie in the series. His interest had been triggered by a trailer he saw online. After searching Fan.TV and Netflix and coming up empty, a wider google search revealed that the trailer he had seen on YouTube was indeed a fan-made trailer.

And while he’s seen the Avengers, numerous Netflix movies, he didn’t care or know that this was indeed a fan-made trailer.

A lesson us content creator need to understand.



Sean Scott
Bits & Pixels

Finite being in an infinitely expanding world of pixels and atoms