Obama’s speech analysed with Hadoop

Deepa Iyer
Published in
1 min readSep 24, 2016

How do leaders motivate others with their words? We did a little experiment on the kind of words President Obama uses.

Count of words from all speech transcripts
  • took the transcripts of Obama’s most recent 5 speeches and made an input file
  • Used map reduce program in java to spit out the count of each unique word from this input file.
  • Of a total of 7998 words spoken, there was not one bombastic, superflous word which was difficult to understand or needed to be looked up for meaning.
  • Hid the counts of “the, and, a, is, was, has” in the pic below
  • American, American, Americans is the most used word across all speeches.
  • Interestingly McCain was used 21 times and good ol “Change” about 33 times.
  • A man of few simple words and yet an amazing orator!

