Bitsnapp 1.7 is out of Beta — New list layout and support to all ERC-20 tokens wallet sync

Ayoub El omri (Giamme)
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2018

We are really happy to announce the release of Bitsnapp 1.7. This version brings new wallet synchronizations, new UI features, and adds a new coins list design.

First thing first we would like to thank all beta testers who helped us shaping this new version and discover bugs.
Most likely we will open a new beta version to test new upcoming features before releasing them to the public. Join us on our Discord channel to know when the new beta tests will open.

And now let’s talk about the new features. Let’s start with the long awaited ERC-20 wallet sync:

ERC-20 wallets synchronization

Bitsnapp’s wallet tracking feature can now track all ERC-20 tokens. Compared to the old version, with support to only 30 ERC-20 tokens, v1.7 can track every token supported by Ethplorer (500+).

Smart track feature

The “Smart track” feature makes Ethereum wallet tracking much easier and faster. When adding your Ethereum address in the previous version, you were asked to manually choose which tokens you wanted to track, then you had to add them one by one.

With the Smart track option you can let Bitsnapp automatically import every coin you have in that wallet. This makes the ERC-20 wallet tracking much faster to set up.

With this update we aimed at improving the user experience by lowering the time needed to set up your portfolio and giving a better navigation system:

New navigation system using drawers

The new version offers a completely different navigation system, without replacing the bottom navigation bar.

There are two different drawers:

  • The left side drawer is global, you will be able to access it from any page and you will find there different features offered by the app, like alerts or the direct access to a coin details (more features will be added in the next versions).
  • The right drawer includes page-related actions, right now it’s only available from the assets list page and you can use it to sync your holdings, update prices, sort, switch categories, hide the balance and much more.

This navigation system should improve the overall user experience and will give faster access to Bitsnapp’s features. The left menu will be really useful in the future as we plan to add some new cool features and we needed a way to navigate to them.

Now let’s check the new coins list.

A simpler coins layout for faster reading

The coin list in the old version had too many information packed together, that made it look too complex for many users. That’s why we decided to design a simpler coins list to quickly view the most important metrics only. The new design shows less information in more space, this result in a less cluttered and much more user friendly experience.

We still think that the old coins list is useful, that’s why it’s still available and you can choose which one to use from the right drawer menu.

The new version is already available and it will be released gradually, just in case there’s any major bug we still didn’t find.

Thank to everyone for the interest over our project and stay tuned for future updates on our channels:


Cheers from Bitsnapp’s team!

PS: If you want to contribuite to Bitsnapp you can help us translate some files, join our Discord channel for further information.



Ayoub El omri (Giamme)
Writer for

Bitsnapp Marketing Manager and Crypto Trains Fund Manager