Bittrex’s USD Market Trading Fee Offer Extended

Bittrex Team
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2019

We’re excited to share that Bittrex customers will be able to take advantage of lower trading fees all the way down to 0 maker and 0.15% taker (reduced by 100% and 40% respectively) for USD markets through September 18.

Qualifying accounts that have generated $30,000 or more in trading volume in any month across all markets (BTC, ETH, USDT, or USD) since joining Bittrex or Bittrex International will have USD market trading fees automatically lowered to the promotional rate. Upon completion of the extended promotional month, a new fee schedule with volume-based USD market fees will apply for qualifying accounts on both and Bittrex International.

New or existing Bittrex accounts without a history of high volume may also qualify for the promotional USD market fees immediately. Accounts expecting to have a 30 day run-rate of $30,000 or more in volume across any markets at Bittrex if given the lower promotional USD market fees (0 maker and 0.15% taker) can request to be included here:

The extended promotion month (0 maker fees and 0.15% taker fees) ends on Wednesday, September 18. Every qualified account has received email communication sent directly to the email address on file for their Bittrex account confirming inclusion in the promotion.

Learn more about the Bittrex promotions:



Bittrex Team

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