Why Bittrex Removes Certain Coins or Tokens

Bittrex Team
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2019

What separates us from the rest of the pack? We look for projects that help advance the blockchain industry by fostering innovation, incubating new and emerging technology, and driving transformative change. By not charging a listing fee, we add these blockchain projects to our trading platform based on merit and then let the market decide who the winners will be. We put a lot of time and effort into evaluating these projects, so when we list a token, we fully expect it to have longevity on our platform. Unfortunately, there are some times when we have to remove tokens.

The full details are in our official token removal policy, but we remove tokens for several reasons, including broken blockchains, violations of our listing agreement, possible compliance issues, unresponsive token teams, etc.

One criterion we consider is a lack of interest in the project by our customers and the market as a whole. However, we don’t just use low volume as a criterion on its own. If a token team is responsive, communicative, progressive, and works diligently on their technology and project, we won’t delist their token just for low volume. On the other hand, if a token team is unresponsive, uncooperative, uncommunicative, has little community support and shows no progress on developing their technology or project, then low volume can be the final nail in the coffin.

When you see announcements from us about removing tokens, especially if it’s one you like, please know we don’t remove tokens on a whim. In fact, it’s just the opposite — we take a very thoughtful and considered approach because we want to keep and support all innovative blockchain projects on our platform, but sometimes that’s simply not possible. We strive to deliver the best blockchain projects. In order to do that, we have to be confident that the underlying technology is maintained, that token teams communicate clearly with us and in a timely way, that the companies behind the tokens are compliant, and that our customers are happy and interested in the token. Whatever the reason for the delisting, our team is here to help address the common questions that come up with coins and tokens to offer insights into Bittrex and our delisting process.

At the end of the day, our customers and token teams are incredibly important to us, and we’re committed to providing you with accurate, timely, and useful information. If you’ve got a token-related question, share with us on social media, and we’ll either get back to you or address the issue in future blogs or support documents.

Note: the term “token” is meant to be used interchangeably with “coin” in this article.



Bittrex Team

Our mission is to help advance the blockchain industry by fostering innovation, incubating new and emerging technology, and driving transformative change.