Bitupper: on the ecosystem development process

Maria Fomina
Published in
1 min readMay 22, 2018

We present to your attention a short video demonstrating the process of creation of Bitupper by our key technical experts — the founder of the ecosystem, Andrew Zhuk, and Evgeniy Leontev, our programmer.

“The size of the database we created exceeds our initial expectations. We realized that we had created a powerful tool that ‘knows’ very, very much.
Moreover, I feel a tremendous support from the team, each member of which has long been performing tasks that are widely outside their specialty, thus gaining experience and expanding consciousness — of their own and of people around.
The video presented reflects only a small part of the work done — a partial history of the last 5 months, conducted behind the coding of the Block Explorer.”

Very soon we will come back to you with new updates, and in one of the following publications we will share the secrets of success and tell you how this video was made.

Stay tuned and keep abreast of the latest Bitupper news!

