Bitupper: the brightest events of the first half of May

Maria Fomina
Published in
1 min readMay 18, 2018

The development team, including the very founder of the ecosystem, continues to work hard on Bitupper. Right now we disclose a few secret development news to you, which have not been announced before!
So, are you ready?

At the moment, the alpha version of an advanced search and tips system of Bitupper’s own search engine is implemented and the development of it continues.
Last week, the development of a new Bitupper Passport service started. We will tell more about it in one of the following posts.

And finally, we propose our users to watch a video report from the place of events in New York — Mikhail Sergeev, CCO of Bitupper, on his impressions of a successful meeting with Charlie Lee and of the Bitupper project.

