How to Solve “unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/” Error for Kali Linux

C. Oscar Lawshea
BitWise Tech Tips
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2024

The error message “unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/” typically indicates that the apt package management system in a Debian-based Linux distribution (such as Ubuntu) is unable to obtain a lock on the specified directory. This usually happens for one of several reasons:

Another Process is Using apt: The most common cause is that another process (such as another instance of apt, apt-get, aptitude, or a GUI package manager) is currently using apt to perform updates or install packages. The apt system uses lock files to prevent multiple processes from making changes simultaneously, which could potentially corrupt the package database.

Leftover Lock Files: Sometimes, if a previous apt process was terminated unexpectedly (e.g., due to a system crash or being forcefully killed), the lock file might not get removed, causing subsequent apt processes to believe that the lock is still in place.

Insufficient Permissions: The user might not have the necessary permissions to access or modify the apt directories. This typically happens when trying to run apt commands without using sudo.

Steps to Resolve the Issue

Here are some steps you can take to resolve this issue:

1. Check for Running apt Processes

You can check if any apt processes are currently running with the following command:

If you see any apt processes running, wait for them to complete. If you determine that they are hung or you want to terminate them, you can use the kill command to stop them. For example:

Replace <PID> with the actual process ID of the apt process.

2. Remove Lock Files

If you are sure no other apt processes are running, you can manually remove the lock files:

Removing these files will release the locks, allowing you to run apt commands again.

3. Update Package Lists

After removing any lock files, update your package lists to ensure your package database is up to date:

4. Run apt Commands with sudo

Ensure you have the necessary permissions by running apt commands with sudo. For example:

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the “unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/” error and proceed with using the apt package manager.



C. Oscar Lawshea
BitWise Tech Tips

I enjoy science and learning new tech skills. When I'm not blogging or tinkering with computers, I'm video/pc gaming, watching movies or being a gym bro.