Becoming Platform Agnostic: Developing Solutions with JavaScript Frameworks

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2 min readAug 20, 2020
Computers with code on the screens.

Over the past 5 years, JavaScript development has resurfaced and been established as a major programming language, with everyone from Google (AngularJS) to Facebook (React) developing frameworks for modernizing interfaces and aiding code organization.

With today’s hardware, JavaScript can run with little processing overhead on almost any device, minimizing the strain on servers and reducing hardware costs for content providers. However, JavaScript development has another major advantage for web development; it allows companies to remain platform agnostic.

With just a few changes to your service references, the same JavaScript code can be run on nearly any major platform with a web interface, such as Drupal, SharePoint, and Alfresco. Additionally, because JavaScript is run within the browser, it is “cloud-ready” and often more accessible with Software as a Service (SaaS).

AngularJS symbol with SharePoint and Drupal 8 symbols.

This is important for both enterprise organizations and web development providers alike. For organizations looking to build or modify applications, JavaScript development allows them to choose between a variety of platforms with less commitment to any specific one.

JavaScript can also reduce — or even eliminate — the need for back-end development, mitigating security risks. If planning to move to the cloud, JavaScript development reduces migration concerns when compared to more traditional development frameworks, including .Net, since it can run in any browser.

For web development providers, a workforce that remains platform-agnostic though JavaScript development is more versatile and easier to engage in projects. Bixal’s software development team has been using JavaScript frameworks such as Google’s AngularJS on major platforms like SharePoint and SharePoint Online, as well as completely custom applications built with .Net or NodeJS.

Our approach has been to differentiate the back-end from the front-end, bridging the two via web services — a practice known as “decoupled architecture.” With this approach, we can often leverage code across projects simply by changing our web service calls. Through our use of JavaScript frameworks (AngularJS), our users get the modern, snappy experience they have come to expect from major websites, while our clients and partners can appreciate the capabilities we are able to provide quickly, and with very little access to back-end infrastructure.

To learn more about Bixal services, head over to our website at:



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