Why Cybersecurity is Important

4 Tips to Keep You Safe Online

Paola Garcia
3 min readOct 4, 2021


Staying safer and more secure online has become one of the main priorities for both businesses and individuals around the world, and the Bixal Security Team was proud to take part in Cybersecurity Awareness Month, led by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), and National Computer Security Day, championed by CyberTalk.org.

Bixal has been working hard to implement stronger security protocols, raising awareness and training employees on online security and best practices, and recently wrapped up mandatory cybersecurity training across the company. We’re excited to add cybersecurity awareness to our growing portfolio on how to stay safe online, including championing for data privacy and identity management.

Why Is Cybersecurity Important for Everyone?

Technology has become an essential part of our day-to-day lives. We have become increasingly interconnected, to the point where our well-being, society and the economy depend on the internet. The COVID-19 pandemic pushed many more businesses to conduct their transactions online; a movement to digitize health data began, teachers and students were forced to rely on technology and the internet to continue with their education, while almost the entire world was in quarantine.

There are many advantages to our interconnected, digital-heavy lifestyles, but the more we rely on the internet, the better we need to protect our online assets from cyber-criminals. This year, the Cybersecurity Awareness Month theme was: Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart. With that, here are some tips to help you stay safe online:

1. Be Cyber Smart.

Focusing on cyber hygiene and putting the best security practices in place is important to keep your data safe from cyber-criminals.

  • Use reputable antivirus software that can detect viruses or malware.
  • Make sure you close account sessions, such as banking, by clicking the logout button.
  • Use a password manager to oversee and secure your login information — and generate unique passwords that are harder to steal.
  • Update software regularly, including the browsers you use.
  • Secure your WiFi router at home so only people you know can use your network.
  • Use a virtual private network (VPN), if you’re not at home or the office, to protect your information when using an unsecured network.

2. Keep an eye on phishing emails.

This is one of the easiest ways for cyber-criminals to trick users into giving them important information that can compromise the users’ accounts, systems and even their identities. Make sure to check not only who the email is coming from, but also for any deceiving email addresses. And before you click on any links, hover over them to make sure they’re taking you to trusted websites. Don’t open any links or attachments from emails that seem suspicious.

3. Learn. Explore. Share your knowledge.

Cyber-attacks are constantly changing. Stay informed. When purchasing a new device, do your research and learn the basics of updating the settings, resetting default passwords and, overall, securing the device. Share your knowledge with family and friends and help spread the word — the more people that learn about cybersecurity best practices, the safer we all are.

4. Make cybersecurity your number one priority when you connect daily.

Using simple safeguarding techniques, such as enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA), when available, on your email or any account you have online, is key. Practice creating strong passphrases as your passwords, and make sure you always have a backup of your important data.

Please join us in making our digital world a safer place and remember to Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart



Paola Garcia

Lifelong learner, technology & soccer lover. Oh, and I run.