Biya 2018. What a year!

Biya Focus
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2018

It’s the end of the year 2018 and it is only right we put an update to our premier post “On Launching Biya”.

So what’s happened?

After a couple months of running pilots and product testing from the previous year, We had our beta launch and got incorporated in the first quarter of 2018. We got featured an interesting cover story on Business Insider by Pulse. We were also a part of the first Ogun Tech summit themed “Disruptive Innovation: Where are We” as a model innovative startup leveraging AI.

Fast forward to second quarter of the year, Our customer base had organically tripled from the number we had during the first quarter. We got numerous invites to be part of tech events, challenges and pitching competitions. One of such was an invitation to be a part of SBC Afritech’s FastTrack event scouting innovative startups across Africa where we eventually got voted and rated “Top 20 Innovative startups on the continent”. This heralded a wave of international partnerships.

Memorable events from the third quarter include us hitting our first thousand users’ milestone(organically) and inclusion as one of the Top 10 startup products in Nigeria by Seedstars (a global tech body focused on discovering and accelerating the best startups from emerging markets)

The last quarter of the year was no exception to the fun as we got recognized as one of Nigeria’s top fintech startups at the Africa Fintech Festival. We also had an interesting story on DisruptAfrica highlighting our action plan. It was only right to see Biya feature on a 2018 guide to the Nigerian Fintech Landscape as one of Nigeria’s leading consumer payment apps.

Little Beginnings

A huge S\O to everyone who has tested, used, critiqued, commented on our product. You are a big part of our 2018. Your feedback and interactions literally give Biya life. Cheers to serving you even better in 2019. Thank you.

Biya remains committed to making adoption of digital payments easier for individuals and businesses by breaking down technical know-how and accessibility barriers.

Help spread the word as we jointly take Biya through more amazing milestones in 2019.



Biya Focus

Biya helps you buy airtime, pay bills, send money and receive money via your favourite messaging app!